Sounds like The Forest
The front of the plane was fiercely ripped away from the body as it bounced across the rocky earth.
Urban · Beautifiedg1
Is this a prequel to the little sister fic? Or is it just a similar name?
The damned Chains of Fate that have kept me enclosed in this horrid world for thousands of years, where Might makes Right. People called it by many names, but the most common name its inhabitants gave it was "Murim," a World of Martial Arts, Immemorial Treasures, Myth and Legends, as well as a world of bloodshed, ruthlessness, and endless battles for supremacy.
Action · PancakesWitch
They're absolutely terrifying
As I walked into their territory, they instantly noticed me. These weeping angel statues weren't like the rest. Instead of holding shields, swords, or spears made of stone, they held staffs and wands.
Fantasy · PancakesWitch
I'm sorry, WHEEPING ANGELS?!?!?!?!!
And the only thing I saw once I entered were statues. Similar to the ones outside, but these weren't broken or shattered. At most, they had cracks over their surface.
Fantasy · PancakesWitch
Ah, nvm from previous guesses. Good Gaea then, huh
Wow, thanks a lot! I knew she was the kindness constellation, but I never expected Gaia, one of the Primordial Titans of Greek mythology, to also be watching over me with so much motherly love.
Fantasy · PancakesWitch
Is this Gaea? I'm starting to feel it could be Rhea or Hestia now. Not sure how peaceful Demeter is, really. Maybe even a kind of alternative Artemis? Or I guess an Angel?
[The Cosmic Throne {Maiden that Watches Over Nature} tells both of them to calm down.]
Fantasy · PancakesWitch
Sara Jane I think, from the Sara Jane adventures, or something like that
The redhead shouted, "Doctor!" When she realized their pursuers were more intent on eating Harry than following them.
Book&Literature · GnomeBob
Of course let it into your house. It's the ultimate anti intruder system. Point and your problems now exist in a different dimension you won't get into trouble for
Goose's mouth opened and over a dozen purple tentacles launched out, their total volume several times greater than Goose's. The ashwinder recoiled back and tried to get away but a moment later the tentacles had the fire snake wrapped up without getting burned and retracted back into the orange tabby cat.
Book&Literature · GnomeBob
Harry's FOV goes
Harry opened up the Menu and looked through the settings. This was a new feature which was grayed out during the tutorial and couldn't be adjusted. The settings included sound, visual, format, and controls.
Book&Literature · GnomeBob
is this not just a pint? I think. isn't it 2 pints to a quart, 4 to a gallon? is this not universal?