Does that count for brock as well does he have like a real team too?
Ash looked at this and he could just tell that Nidoqueen was way stronger than any of his Pokemon, Nidoqueen was probably champion rank in her prime, but she hasn't battled or trained so she is probably high Gym leader-low elite 4 rank now, but that was still stronger than Ash.
Anime & Comics · Katsu39
Hard Enough maybe it’s on Royal road
Gary turned around, stylishly brushed his bangs, and blew a kiss to his girlfriends, promising that he would win the gym badge. After all, it was just the small Rota Gym. He was going to win!
Anime & Comics · RockyRoad891
That means we get this mf
"It seems like you've captured a lot of Poison-type Pokémon. Are you planning to specialize in Poison-types?"
Anime & Comics · RockyRoad891
L Take Dogs > Cats
'Well, I wanted a cat and I also thought a name for it but why can't I name a dog with that, right?'
Book&Literature · Dragonel23
Nah wasn’t actually mostly the democrats it was the high command that signed if the treaty but later pushed it on the democrats creating the “Dolchstoß Legende” (Although the Democrats weren’t innocent eitheri)
Unfortunately for the Kaiser, he was blamed for many of the problems that plagued Germany following the end of the war. Most of which were actually the faults of the Social Democrats and their precious Weimar republic.
War · Zentmeister
There is this ranger chick who was in love with brock i think she was in the anime
So before she left, they exchanged numbers, and Wilhomena asked that they meet again one day before hopping into her Limousine, which was just a surprise because it seemed like the buttler driving it came out of nowhere.
Anime & Comics · Katsu39
Paris isn‘t beautiful
As Rose stepped to the ground, she looked around and found herself in a very beautiful city, a huge metal tower looming on the horizon, threatening to pierce the sky with its sharp spire.
Anime & Comics · MaliciousPrince
This is line getting the quest item and then accepting the quest
Mateo felt determined, "I feel it, I don't know what it is but I can feel it just in this photo, I need to get to work immediately I need to feel the glass!"
Anime & Comics · Katsu39
What did they do to ma boy blake
"That hurt, idiot." She held her abdomen, frowning as she turned to him.
Anime & Comics · TheJiujitsuGuy
"Hello there!"
Naruto: The Time Looper
Anime & Comics · NarutoAuthor