

male LV 2

Been writing since I was 9, only just recently started publishing... If you prefer Wattpad I also have my stories posted on there @W3TBananas

2020-07-21 เข้าร่วมแล้ว United States
ป้าย 4

Moments 4
3 years ago
Replied to Matt_pike

mainly gore, and violence, and cursing, not really all too much romance considering it's an orc that lives with humans and every one treats him like trash

3 years ago
Replied to TheMelancholyOfGay


3 years ago
Replied to Little_Foxxy

thank you, I appreciate the response, I just like to make extra long stories that has the reader to wanting to keep on going to find out what it is that is going to happen, but I will think on that.

3 years ago
Replied to SladeOfWolf

I know, but this ain't a fan fic, this is a different type of middle earth

  • For The Love Of The Game original

    For The Love Of The Game


    A young basketball star, age 13, coming up on 14 soon, loves to play basketball, and actually is insanely good at it. Not only is he fast, and has the stamina to maintain through an entire 48 minutes, but he also is a hard worker. After school, he usually goes to work out after all of that, doing his best to always be in the most fit, and the most pristine shape, all at the exact same time as well. There is only one problem in this story, which is the simple fact, that he is short, and you know the old term, usually for basketball, but also for a lot of other sports, which was 'short people can't play'. To be fair, all at the exact same time as well, the kid is still young, and he still has room to grow, but he is very short, and that means it's nearly impossible to shoot on his defenders. Luckily, his dribbling skills, and his moves work for him, and usually get the defender of balance, giving him an easy shot, but some times, he does not even have to do that, as he can pass it to an outlet man, and a shooter, or perhaps a big man in the paint. Trevor, is a very great player none the less, and he does a good job on rec league teams. He is tired of rec league though, and he wants to play high school basketball. The high school team has open try outs around early in the year, and he goes to the try out, all at the exact same time too. As he goes to try out, the coach just laughs at him, and doesn't really give him a chance, as he doesn't make the cut when all is said and done. This really hurts Trevor, as he wants a chance to do some thing with his skills. After school that day, he goes to his mother, and some how manages to transfer schools, to bit of a school out in the ghetto, as that is his only other choice. He tries out for the team there, but comes to find out that they have no coach, as their last one died last year. Without a coach, they have no team? Trevor is lost, but there is some one that is near him, he might be able to help him...

    8 Chs 7 คอลเลกชัน

  • Youngtails Curse (A Warrior Cats Manga) original

    Youngtails Curse (A Warrior Cats Manga)


    Youngtail is a cat that is trying to live up to the legacy of his father, for being one of the strongest cats in the wild. Or course, he has his father right by his side to help him as well, but that does not mean things are going to be easy for him. He is struggling from the loss of his sister in a battle not all too long ago, as well as the loss of his mother, who was killed by his brother, and once again, another loss, which was his brother, who he had killed in anger for the fact that he had killed their mother. His father thinks that his brother died in the fight with their mother, but that was not the case at all, and it feels like Youngtail has a lot of secrets that he is hiding right now, as his father is really looking up to him, to be the next leader. Luckily enough for Youngtail how ever, he does not have to have his focus on any of that for all too long how ever, as Skyclan and Riverclan have split apart, and Shadowclan is left on their heels. Windclan, the clan that he is in right now, is at war with one of the last clans standing, which is Thunderclan. Can Youngtail step in, and be a leader for his clan, when he is needed most at a time like this?

    23 Chs 8 คอลเลกชัน

  • The Orc With A Heart original

    The Orc With A Heart


    story is featured in middle earth, many thousands of years ago, at a time where there was Orcs, goblins, dwarves, elves, humans, and dragons. This particular case, is simply between a war that raged on with orcs and humans, that seemed to have lasted for several millennia. Orcs and humans never seemed to get along with one another, and they always seemed to be in war with them selves. As an army of humans go to take over some land that is owned by orcs, they destroy the entire city, as it is over run by humans. In one the houses, there laid a baby orc, so young that it had not even opened its eyes just yet. Its mother and father had gone out to defend their city from the attack that was led by the humans, leaving him alone inside the hut. After the attack is over, and just about every orc is left dead, one of the humans goes in to a specific hut, to see what he can loot in there. Whilst in there, he sees the young orc, as he was nearly about to kill it, until he can't help but feel guilty, by seeing the look in the eyes of the baby orc. Since he realizes that his wife can not have children, he figures that he may as well bring one back for the both of them to raise together. In a big of a strange story, about an orc that is raised by a family of humans, watch how the orc grows up, seeing a lot of ugly looks from a lot of people when he goes out in public. The orc is confused as to what it is that is so wrong with him...

    33 Chs 86 คอลเลกชัน

  • The Gods Of Egypt original

    The Gods Of Egypt


    'Gods Of Egypt' This story is based nearly a million years ago about a bunch of people that lived in Egypt long ago, many of them being slaves, or forced in to labor that they did not sign up for. In this particular case this is about a man that works on one of the slave labor spots, and he is looking to make some sort of living off of it. Mean while, the powers above, that seem to rule the place that he lives at, are making it harder and harder on their citizens. After an uprising begins in the city, the powers then show their true form, as they are demonic creatures, and the have many different forms of them selves that they can show. These creatures are powerful, and when it feels like all hope is lost for the rebellion, suddenly 2 people show up, that are a bit strange, as well as the fact that they dress quite a bit weird too. They claim that they are here the help the rebellion, and with his hands seeming to be tied behind his back, he feels like he is left with not much other choice but to accept the help that the strange people are offering to give. Now with the strange people in the rebellion with them, the main character becomes a captain in the rebellion, and he needs the help of the strange people to fight off the demonic creatures that rule their lands.

    33 Chs 39 คอลเลกชัน

  • The Bench Warmer original

    The Bench Warmer


    A High School football player is living his best life as it is right now, and it seems like nothing can go wrong. He is the team captain on offense as a Wide Out, and he has several scholarships. He also has met the love of his life in a girl, and he has proposed to her as a Junior in High School. His coach cheers him on, and names him 'The Savior', due to the fact that he was about to get fired as the coach of their team. One day in a scrimmage how ever, he gets put in to a 1v1 match against the team captain LB on defense. The LB is angry due to the fact that he thinks he is the better player, and he thinks it all gets drowned out by the main character. He goes out of his way to injure him, as he tears the kids ACL and breaks his leg in to pieces on the other side. The kid is rushed to the hospital and barely makes it out alive... He has to watch the entire next season from the bench, as he become super depressed after his girl friend breaks up with him... It starts to lead him down a very dark path that he feels like he can't break free from, but will he break free?

    18 Chs 3 คอลเลกชัน

  • Old Mountain Winter Hunting Grounds original

    Old Mountain Winter Hunting Grounds

    Horror SCARY


    6 kids go in to the woods in Canada, hearing a tale about an old man that lives out there that has a lot of scary and strange stories to tell them... They are told not to go out there, but they don't do such as people tell of them... The kids go up in the mountain, and meet the man, but they do not know what it is that they have got them selves in to!

    18 Chs 1 คอลเลกชัน

  • Kettlestars Path (A Warrior Cats Manga) original

    Kettlestars Path (A Warrior Cats Manga)

    Book&Literature CONQUER


    Kettle is just a young cat, that lives on his own, as his parents deserted him long ago... At first he lived with the two legs, but he kind of got bored of that life, and decided to leave, with to regrets and thoughts of turning back. He finds the wild quite a bit harsh, but he meets a friend in a barn that lives with his kit, that teaches him about how to hunt, and make it out in the wild. Kettle has to make his own decisions at some point how ever, as he is no longer a kit. He cant decide where he wants to go, or who he wants to be...

    37 Chs 17 คอลเลกชัน

  • Dragon Wars: Flames of Pain (Book 3) original

    Dragon Wars: Flames of Pain (Book 3)



    Joseph, has finally reached the places that he had been told about... The Legion has now began to form together again, for the first time since the death of his uncle. At first things seem okay, but when they find out the plans of the black dragons, they know that they have got to get ready very soon. John was not lying, this was not going to be any sort of an easy task. Joseph is worn out, but he keeps on fighting with his legion, and training himself to be better, he knows it is what his mother, and his uncle would have wanted. Meanwhile, Jangra is helping his father and his tribe learn how to fight black dragons. He did not know that there was in fact so much that he needed to learn. A lot of dragons are not happy, and many of them want out of the tribe, because it was not what they would have expected. Meanwhile, Yikla is meeting with him secretly still, and when his father finds out, to his surprise he is not angry once he finds out Yiklas reasoning. Instead he uses her to find out information on the black dragons... There is a lot of pain, and a lot of angry people, but both Joseph and Jangra are doing their best as their job as leader, to get ready for what is about to occur... What will happen in the end of all of this? It seems like the start, was really truly only just the beginning for them.

    55 Chs 3 คอลเลกชัน

  • The Dead Live (Book 3) original

    The Dead Live (Book 3)



    After the attack on the community has been cleaned up, and things seem to be safe, and seem to be going back to normal again. People start beginning to get upset at they find out their loved ones are still alive out there, and terrible things are happening to them. People don't agree with Shannon's decision to making an agreement with them, they feel as if she has betrayed with them. Many people leave, and others go out to look for them and plan a pointless attack on them. With the community dwindling, the leader falls into a deep and dark depression. She feels like she had let the community down, and she believes that she might have betrayed the community. With no leader, the community then begins to fall apart, and after the smaller group finds out about the agreement Shannon made with them they refuse to join them. Their leader does their best to keep in contact with them however, and see if there is any way that they have a chance. But with no leader to guide them, Christian is not sure that the community has much chance at making it. Ben is now alone after finishing his training, and Sasha, has gone back to hiding from him once again. All he has left is his little brother, and he too begins to fall into a dark depression. But there is someone still out there that is looking to help him, and Ben seems to always find a friend that he can rely on in the deepest and darkest of nights...

    55 Chs 3 คอลเลกชัน

  • Trucked original




    A story about a truck driver thats truck shuts off and wont stop working in the middle of Kansas... He tries calling his manager but there is no service anywhere nearby. Some people meet him on the road, and offers him shelter until they can fix up the truck. But there is a dark side to this family that he does not know about... Each night they randomly go out and dont come back... One of the nights he finds them at a satanic gathering. He tries to go back and find somewhere to hide, but he is in the middle of nowhere... There is nowhere for him to go, and they are tracking him down...

    50 Chs 3 คอลเลกชัน

  • Limpfoots Visions (A Warrior Cats Manga) original

    Limpfoots Visions (A Warrior Cats Manga)



    WARNING If You have not already, please go ahead and read the first 3 books in the Warrior Cats fan fic, starting with Alone! This story is about Limp, now called Limpfoot, and where she was at before she was the medicine cat of Windclan. It is a bit of a shorter story, since she was so young, and not much happened in her life. Her grand parents tell her about the clans, and all about what had happened to them, and how amazing they were. They begin to teach her about the cats called Starclan, and her mother gets very angry at them, so they stop telling her about the cats. Something then happens to those cats not much longer after that, and her mother becomes very hurt and get very depressed. The kits then have to search for food for them and their mother, so that they do not starve and die, due to their mother not wanting to hunt. One of the small scraps of food that the kits managed to get seems to have something wrong with it, but the cats eat it anyways. As it turns out it was a human made food poison trap made for a completely different animal. The kits begin to get very sick, at the wrong time of year. The mother can not hold out very much longer, so the kits then must go on their own, but they are very sick still, and their immune system is weak. Limp begins to have these visions while being sick about the cats that her grand parents had told her about. She thinks she is going crazy, but she follows her brother and sister anyways, as they try to make it on their own, while not giving in, and becoming kittypets, like their mother fears for them. Will they make it, or will they fail?

    30 Chs 8 คอลเลกชัน

  • Destined Through Fire (Dragon Wars Book 2) original

    Destined Through Fire (Dragon Wars Book 2)



    Jangras and his father both know that this war is only just beginning. Wow most dragon's in the tribe believe the tribe is safe and the war is already over, Himla makes sure to tell them to keep a steady eye. Meanwhile Jangra is greaving for the loss of his brother, he was his closest friend... He was a role model to Jangra. Jangra now also feels betrayed by Yikla as if he was used, and he blames himself for the death of his brother. Now battling through depression, Socra, Jangras mentor believes that Jangra needs to take the next step on his path. Jangra is too heart broken to even think about that. Meanwhile, Joseph on the other hand is with his father and Padre and Kaden. Padre is telling all the stories that he had heard from Josephs uncle. Joseph feels betrayed, he wishes that his mother and uncle should have told him. He could have been there and maybe saved her life. David, Josephs father, is battling through deep depression but he is training hard than all of them to become a part of the battalion. The battalion, what was left of it is coming back together with lots of new face. The government has fallen into absolute anarchy... People are protesting on the streets, and the army is falling apart. The Battalion is doing its best using Josephs unic skill to find dragons. After the government manages to talk sense into people, the battalion is the main part in the army relaying messages to go out and hunt important dragons. Joseph meanwhile during a lot of the time, is searching for Julia and his sister, keeping a small hope that they are somehow alive out there. As the chances become slimmer and slimmer Joseph falls into a deep depression and becomes the ultimate dragon slayer, killing every dragon that he runs across. With both Joseph and Jangra both going through so much and trying their best, to be the best. Will Joseph and Jangra ever cross paths? Will both of them find out how to stop the war? Find out the this thrilling sequel of dragon wars!

    52 Chs 1 คอลเลกชัน

  • Back To The Start (Book 3) (A Warriors Cat Story) (S1 Finale) original

    Back To The Start (Book 3) (A Warriors Cat Story) (S1 Finale)

    Book&Literature CONQUER VIDEOGAME


    Moon... has now finished the beginning of his journey, he has at the lake, he has his friends... Things seem to be going well... But starclan seems to not want that to last long... Moon is requested to split his friends into the 5 clans... After doing so, Moon still has his mate, but he is beginning to feel a bit lonely, and he misses his friends... After being with them for so long, it does not feel right for him to just all of the sudden split away from them. He knows that it is the right choice, if he wants to bring the clans back... But he now has to make the right decisions the make sure that the clans stay there... Moon is faced with many hard choices, and with no one to guide him, he has to make those decisions on his own now. Will he succeed, and will the clans come back? Or will he fail, and have the clans not believe in the after life, and have the clans start wars that lead to their demise...

    40 Chs 11 คอลเลกชัน

  • The Home Of The Dead (Book 2) original

    The Home Of The Dead (Book 2)



    Book 2, a story about what goes on after the attack... Ben has to find the ones that he loves, and make sure that they are alive... Along the way, he must help others as well... Shannon, believes that Bens sister cuased the attack... Ben has to think about that in his head, while trying to save the people that he loves at the same time... Book 2 of The Dead Dont Talk, will Ben make it on his own, with some help along the way, or will he fail, and lose everyone, and everything that he has ever cared about?

    56 Chs 11 คอลเลกชัน

  • The Path (Book 2 Warrior Cats) original

    The Path (Book 2 Warrior Cats)



    After finally achieving the first part of his destiny, Moon... Now with his mate Mint, are together trying to rebuild the clans... He has help from many cats along the way but it is a lot harder than it seems. Moon makes many poor choices and sometimes trusts the wrong cat. He is not alone now, he has Mint and several other cats that are interested in joining his clan. See what clan Moon chooses to be the leader of, and see what path lies ahead for him and the other clans in this sequel to Alone...

    36 Chs 12 คอลเลกชัน

  • The Dragon Wars (Book 1) original

    The Dragon Wars (Book 1)



    This book was set in the late 1300, back then humans knew that dragons were real, they just rarely saw them and they didn't get attacked by them. there were 2 main groups of dragons. There were the red dragons and the black dragons, the black dragons were rarely seen but they were not friendly to humans or the red dragons. there were a lot more black dragons then there were red but when they fought they usually lost to the reds because although they were smaller they were faster and more nimble then the blacks. But not even the red dragons had seen them for a while and they thought there had been some sort of virus that had taken them out. The red dragons and black dragons were not friends at all but they still wanted to make sure that they were okay. The leader of one of the red dragon groups sends a few dragons to go check on them but they never comeback. The story is about a human on one side and a dragon on the other, they end up becoming friends. But it is not for a good reason why. The black dragons have been gaining strength and have just been giving birth too more and more dragons, as many as possible to surprise the humans and the red dragons. The red dragons and humans have to team up to save the entire earth from extinction by these dragons but it comes with a heavy price. There is a reason why it was named the Black Plague and not for the reason most of you would think.

    39 Chs 11 คอลเลกชัน

  • Alone (Book 1: A Warrior Cat story) original

    Alone (Book 1: A Warrior Cat story)



    This book is about the Warriors cat series, a lot of you reading this no what this is but if you don't its by a group called Erin Hunter and its about cats and clans that they are in, so go ahead and read at least the first series before you read this or you will have no idea what is going on at certain parts of this story. This is about a cat long after the days of Firestar, that is from his kin, he doesn't know who that is and is several generations from him. In fact no cats knows who he is at this point. The clans don't even exist at this point, they are far away in the past. If you don't know who Firestars sister Princess is she is from the first series, she had several kittens but gave one to Firestar, however the ones she didn't give to him, 1 in particular, is the great great great etc. Grandfather of this cat in this story, this is just a normal kitty pet that has no clue about any of this. However he has a dream one night about the clans and something about bringing them back together by a cat that's is apparently related to him. He is so confused and has no idea what it was, but after is owners through him out on the streets. He is alone with no one to go to, he runs to the foods, eating nasty berries because he has no way to learn how to hunt. But the same cat goes into his dreams and teaches him how to do all of it, once again telling him to rebuild the clans. After that he is alone once again with nowhere to go to, and no other cats the be near him. Can he make it out there alone?

    28 Chs 18 คอลเลกชัน

  • The Dead Dont Talk (Full Series) original

    The Dead Dont Talk (Full Series)



    This is my 1st book off of a brain injury that almost killed me i am 6/24 months healed so plz dont hate on me that much. The story is about a younger teenager who lives in a world of the dead. He has his older sister and little brother with him and is in a group and has been for almost 10 years. They have been fine and life had been okay for them besides a few mishaps. They had never really found a group of a lot of people besides a few people out there on their own. But after they are ambushed by a group that take a lot of their women and kill a lot of their men. Their world becomes more than just them. Their life is about to get a lot bigger.

    33 Chs 30 คอลเลกชัน