Idk_who_I_am - Profile



LV 15
2020-07-16 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global

ป้าย 21

Moments 317



A rogue militia came out of nowhere and destroyed my phone. I definitely did not mistakenly close my car door on it.

Dragon Ball: Back in Black

Dragon Ball: Back in Black

Anime & Comics · OmniSpectra


innate ability: THE GREATER GOOD

(AN: ugh I hate boring chapters like these, but they're pretty crucial in the Harry Potter storyline, so have to get through it I'm afraid. Did any of you expect Dumbledore to be the one to take him to Diagon Alley? And can anyone guess what his Cursed technique is?)

Magic, Curses and Gods Amongst Men || HP x JJK

Magic, Curses and Gods Amongst Men || HP x JJK

Movies · TheManUnderTheBed



A form-fitting red and blue suit with a black webbing pattern going over the red parts along with a few additional black lines on the red and a small black spider in the front of his chest, and a red one on his back. He wore red boots with specialized soles and red gloves that got thinner around his fingertips but still gave some padding when he would throw a punch.

MHA : Spider-Man

MHA : Spider-Man

Movies · Huvnn





But suddenly, without warning, the lab doors opened and a slender, dark-skinned woman, dressed professionally, entered the lab with slow steps while showing a cold, unyielding expression on her face.

DC: True Power of Ancient Saiyan

DC: True Power of Ancient Saiyan

Anime & Comics · Demon_King22

Replied to OmniSpectra


Now, I know I said two weeks, but I went out of town for a family function and I'm currently not back home as of yet, but I 100% will be Tuesday. So, starting Tuesday, I'll be back with my regular upload schedule.

Dragon Ball: Back in Black

Dragon Ball: Back in Black

Anime & Comics · OmniSpectra


and the his daughter stumbles into Mr.Barkeeps bar and all his plans fall apart🤣🤣

There were only a few days until Raven's 18th birthday. Trigon was going to see if he couldn't soften his daughter up before the events of that day went into motion. Yes, nothing could go wrong with two of his plans combined. It was perfect! After all, Trigon was nothing if not an optimist in the most twisted sense of the word…

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Anime & Comics · Daddy



But all of those aspects of the Dead End paled before the majesty of headpats in Damian's eyes. Truly, he did not know what he was missing until he experienced it for the first time. What was the proverb Grandfather had come across during his immortal travels? Ah, yes. Damian had eyes but he could not see Mount Tai.

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Anime & Comics · Daddy


you got me, thank God it's not permanent, but you got me

It didn't even seem real. Ciri saw the scene replay before her mind's eye. Over and over, Becca — Ciri's first friend in Night City — was smashed. Obliterated. Savaged by a falling MONSTER. Her body was left lying there, destroyed and eviscerated in a horrific scene that surpassed even the greatest terrors Ciri had ever seen.

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Anime & Comics · Daddy



The boom that followed seemed to shake the world. David, Falco, Lucy, Ciri, none of them could do anything but watch in horror as if frozen in place. Smasher descended like a lightning bolt from the heavens, smashing Becca into the ground.

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Anime & Comics · Daddy


he was one of my favorite characters in JLU I like his dry wit 🤣

"Maybe he got them from his mom? We don't know who she is either, right? Damn this kid is just a giant question mark."

Young Titan (DC)

Young Titan (DC)

Anime & Comics · DevionKing

Replied to OmniSpectra

I always thought they did that to look down on the namekians

"Very ugly. Ugh, I get shivers just thinking about it. He was this grey and wrinkly old man. Like a Namek, only with these two hollow horns that came out of his forehead and these eyes as dead as the leviathan's on Cooler Planet-914." Salza answered, looking more and more disgusted as he continued his description. "And don't mention anything I said to you to anyone. Especially Lord Cooler."

Dragon Ball: Back in Black

Dragon Ball: Back in Black

Anime & Comics · OmniSpectra


my favorite home in the game 👍

Rebecca swipes her hand over the electronic lock and the door clicks open, allowing them to step inside. There, Ori's greeted by maybe the best-looking place he's personally seen. Wide windows with nice furniture, spacious enough for maybe four people to live in the full-time, nice kitchen and two bathrooms. Place apparently even had three bedrooms available. (Looks like V's Glen apartment, but only a single floor and smaller. :

Cyberpunk's Singular Peculiarity

Cyberpunk's Singular Peculiarity

Video Games · Niggross
