Ruh Roh Harry
this is just so sad
Or try to lead him into confiding in her just so she could betray him as soon as he turned his back on her. She didn't hurt him just so she could laugh at how weak he was to have gotten hurt in the first place. And she certainly didn't try to kill him or get him killed. No, Harry loved his owl because she was safe for him to love. And how very sad was that when a fifteen year old boy would only allow himself to care for an animal because he knew the animal was safe to care about while people weren't?
Book&Literature · LordSilvere
Hermione almost managed a smile. "That's all I was trying to say Harry. Guns might not be the answer, but we shouldn't just dismiss anything out of hand. You have been trained to use a blade, and appear expert with it. I don't think I could use that method on someone. If it was to save my parents or my friends though, I think I could use a gun. I'm pretty sure I could've pulled a trigger to shoot that troll in the infirmary. It's a cultural difference Harry, something to be worked out - not dismissed as irrelevant."
Anime & Comics · Shin_kinshi
but that's not right. Artemis is the one who kicked him out of the camp officially
Let's get started on my perfect revenge now, shall we?
Book&Literature · IWillFixHer
no because Dumbledore needs him to get in contact with the giants when the war starts
Harry set his slice of pizza down and took a mouth clearing sip of his soda before replying. He'd laughed hollowly and told her point blank. "The three of you and Hedwig. I think Lupin is still alive but since I'm not supposed to know that, he might as well be dead. Pettigrew is also still alive though if I'm right, he won't be for long. Nor could anyone possibly think he's someone I'd care about or be close to seeing as how he's the one who betrayed Mum and Dad. I've no one else who could be considered close by anyone's standards. Nor will I ever since I know exactly what would happen to anyone I tried to get close to. I won't knowingly make a target of people just because my enemies don't see value in human lives any more."
Book&Literature · LordSilvere
are we not getting anymore updates on here?
agreed but make it upside down so they can tell his allegiance
Harry said "I still say we conjure a cross and nail his arse to it."
Book&Literature · Galaxy_Wonder
lol honestly fits Luna perfectly
Luna grinned. "You know you could use your ties if he gets too rough."
Book&Literature · Galaxy_Wonder
you need an editor or a proof reader
Slytherin and Ravenclaw would have been interesting
A.N.: Dun-dun! I hope none of you wants to kill me right now… Just know that I decided to forget I have a life outside this story and wrote this chapter four times -one with each House- to see which one fit better. And even though I preferred Ravenclaw -I'm a Ravenclaw on Pottermore so I may have been biased there- Gryffindor seemed the right choice for the story's progression. So, what do you think?
HP : The Chronicles
Book&Literature · Demon_Daddy_muw