well, it's a Japanese anime, so.... I don't know
"Prohibition on Trainers Under 20 Engaging in [Censored] Relations with Opposite-Gender Pokémon"
Anime & Comics · Madbot635
bro profiling takes time with no prior knowledge
He tracked the card distribution with mathematical precision. He analyzed each player's betting habits, their microexpressions, their breathing. He saw patterns in how they played—who bluffed, who hesitated, who was overconfident.
that's manageable, but what would he have done if that guy had a family.
He had one major problem left.
make people change by talking in your planned direction watch what affect will it bring to his decisions. Can be fun.
Boredom: Conversations felt predictable. He could often anticipate what someone was about to say before they said it, making small talk feel tedious.
or else every time intelligence is used the author has to dig deep and come up with a solution with all the help from internet, people, and comments. which may give out a pretty good result
He could see the individual rotations of the coin, the way the light reflected off its surface, the exact trajectory it would follow.
body ain't extra, like his soul or mind, so maybe not, or it just didn't start yet?
As I said, it's matter of human psychology, if the other members of the family is that much good to him like the passed member, then that person will try to reason with his own phyche to overcome it for the family.
"There is progress, mom, there are lots of paths to come, but I won't take any that deals with racing," he muttered his reply.
Sports · MAXandMILLS
Was that good?
"How dare you go against me, Blade Lute? You're quite bold! Fine, if I don't teach you two kids a lesson today, I'll reverse my name! Attack!" Lute lifted a large sword and swung it toward Kuina.
Anime & Comics · ElvenKing20
if it's preferred shares then that's what they are legally entitled to
"They've done nothing but take the money and run, living it up outside. It's time to take back their shares."
Anime & Comics · Mgold001
wait secret realms? wouldn't there be elders waiting there with the clans youth?
Still, he had a bold hypothesis: these special locations might correspond to the unique spaces that appeared when Pokémon first manifested in this world—Secret Realms!
Pokémon: Check-In System
Anime & Comics · Madbot635