A large stadium building, standing 80 stories tall, was filled to the brim with the Great Counsel Honored Ones. The amount of psychic power concentrated in this very building alone would be enough to make an average Old One faint upon coming near. An emergency meeting was being held after Weklor's war declaration was sent back to the Great Counsel.
Video Games · Matheu_DeWitt
"YOU BASTARD!" She screamed as she raised the staff, and the last thing I remember is her bringing that piece of wood straight down onto my head before I lost consciousness.
Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague
(A/N: I am making an addition to Tenfold Pain Enhancement's effect. It forces the victim to stay conscious, no matter how great or crippling the pain)
Anime & Comics · SaltyGamer
It's not useless if it's human hearts.
The second one could make harts every time she snapped her fingers, which was also useless.
Anime & Comics · Itsame_Mario
Race: [High Human]
Anime & Comics · Addyctive7
Where's my popcorn charm!
Movies · Plug_O_Stien
girl x girl i think
Anime & Comics · Grim_Reaper_4508
Me: Oh dear God no please.
Anime & Comics · Randomuser855
As she slumped to the floor, a look of immense surprise froze on her face, and my perception returned to its normal pace. The hall filled with screams, and many guests grabbed weapons and wands. The only thing was that they didn't know how to react to my spontaneous and unjustified attack on the Akuisti family's guest, Miss Ho Lin. After all, instead of her, a Dark creature was lying on the floor. There was no other way to call a humanoid fox with seven tails. Only through their illusions did the Kitsune look incredibly attractive to humans. But their true appearance could cause nothing but disgust. The fox's face and entire body were covered with short, spiky, stiff, wire-like hair. The eyes were completely black, with neither iris nor pupil visible, total darkness. A mouth full of sharp fangs. That's the kind of cutie. In my past life, their image was twisted to suit the perverted fetishes of mangaka. If you read the ancient stories and legends of Japan and China, it is written in black and white that Kitsune are bloodthirsty demons.
Book&Literature · Charlottess