Great, glad to hear that. By the way thanks again for that suggestion to use gpt chat it made things much better when translating the story into English.
I understand, thanks for the advice. Now that I finish breakfast I'll make sure to correct it with Chat gpt.
Yup, I didn't know how to handle it well at the time.
Faltan tetas, esto no es Devil Survivor. Que verguenza.
Lo marcas bien en la historia, por eso cada tanto decido darle una leida desde el principio
Nothing is useless. Maybe is boring to you.
Anime & Comics · Evans_The_Writer
I plan to return to this story since now I will have much more free time.
Me pareció bastante aburrido copiar y pegar el canto así que decidí dejar solo las partes nuevas que hice para esta versión de Shirou
I wish there were protagonists like this
As for his motives, Martian Manhunter is as soft as they come, and the wisest member of the League. Only Wonder Woman is comparable to him in that area. Almost every hero had multiple villain arcs, but MM only ever had one, and it ended as quickly as it began. Make of that what you will.
Anime & Comics · Wicked132
Did they have brains?
"John Jones. Detective by day, superhero by night, the heart and soul of the justice league..." I said as I looked at the man, raising my guard and preparing to fight, even if such a thing was pointless as any alternative would be even more so.
Anime & Comics · Wicked132
Shameless review by the author. Please, if you have time, read it and give your opinion.
Devil Survivor System (EN)
Anime & Comics · KiraWolf