Well I’m lazy.. super lazy, Does anyone know how did I leveled up or why?
2020-06-03 เข้าร่วมแล้วHungary
ป้าย 4
Moments 41
2 years ago
Replied to HangerBaby
Reading this review is a particularly painful one as it is true that truth is a painful experience. I didn’t expected it to be good given that it was written without much off a structure to begin with. Regardless it was a learning experience for future works. On the last part, if I remember correctly there were a lot of bot’s at that time so that might be reason for the ratings. :)
The Evolution of a tinny larva..
On the road of evolution one way most be chosen, while the others must be discarded..
We Fight...
We Kill…
We Evolve…
To gain absolute strength!
To become a Legend!
To reach Godhood!
Did gods reached perfection?
Perfection is the goal, a goal that always changes as time goes by...
We can only chase after it...
We can never achieve it...
I will just hide this here: https://www.patreon.com/MrLazyFluffy
Chart is a plane in the central region of the galaxy, home plane of humanity, Chart is an earth classed planet, the population of the plane is roughly 13 billion, the age of space travel has already started.
Roughly at 2132 June 12, 11:23 an anonymous object has appeared in the orbit of Chart, the object has started falling in great speed towards the ground, after impact the object suddenly disappeared, no further information is available.
There has been a contact with the object, a women has changed from human into something much more, we can’t seem to be able to kill her, we even tried to exterminate her with explosives it worked, but to make sure she stays dead we gathered her remains and put them in a container filled with liquid nitrogen, this greatly slowed the regeneration but we couldn’t stop it.
This woman is a walking dead, the only way to stop her is by severing her limbs, but it isn’t a permanent solution I require the HQ to send additional researchers and find a way for us to kill this thing, it wants to eat all of us!
Reading this review is a particularly painful one as it is true that truth is a painful experience. I didn’t expected it to be good given that it was written without much off a structure to begin with. Regardless it was a learning experience for future works. On the last part, if I remember correctly there were a lot of bot’s at that time so that might be reason for the ratings. :)
Eternal Evolution
Action · MrLazyFluffy