Bruh you forgot to take out the part where ChatGpt asks for the text to paraphrase.
Anime & Comics · DrowningGod
Now this is very good. I’m still a bit confused about the character’s personality dynamic but still enjoy it. X is really wierd though.
Damn autocorrect.
Video Games · TheSnap
Doesn’t have a BD implant or a physical phone to record.
You Shall Never Have to Forgive Me Again
Video Games · TheSnap
Sometimes I look at this book and think why hasn’t a new chapter been posted yet. Then I remember that I’m the author.
Thought about it, but then he’d have cartridge made more sense with how I envisioned the design. Can’t fit a lot of big ammo into the arms.
"Hijo de Puta!" Spanish. He's here for the poor fuck I just zeroed. One problem at a time. I grab a cartridge and stock it into my chrome. And I unload into that bitch Lancely.
Video Games · TheSnap
Yeah. Autocorrect is not my friend sometimes and I didn’t catch it. Gonna let it sit though. Kinda like imagining that if certain cyberware could talk it’d have different accents. Dermal Armor is now British.
"Take them down V!" I open fire with my Unity. Dermal armor taking the bullets like a chap while I zero the two scavs. Jackie swerves around the pedestrians while I take this opportunity to take out their tires. They don't manage to turn in time and as we speed away I hear their car crash and explode. Ouch.
Video Games · TheSnap
Original dialogue is going to be more present later, when small changes start to snowball, and the real divergence from the main story begins. Some things will be the same though, because this version of V still has the same core personality as V from the game. It eases the strain I would have experienced if I tried to make a personality from scratch. Instead I’m adding on to a good base to make a character that feels more like a complete person. One who is direct and cautious but still has that ambition in life.
Body heat’s alright. I don’t spend any time on Ritual though. Vexelstrom, Growl and Mordo Rock are my go-to stations
(Growl F.M. For life baby)
Video Games · TheSnap
"And I'm getting sick of you not dealing with your own inadequacies and problems and instead lashing out at others." I spoke. "Honestly you need to grow up Flash. Bullying isn't cool. No matter how many times you do it. Though I get why you do it. You're too afraid of opening up to people. Having them see you for who you really are. Since they don't think they'll accept you. That's why you have people call you Flash, isn't it Eugene? You're not man enough to admit your scared." I spoke.
The Superior Spider (Marvel)
Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever