I really believed the first paragraphs...and was beginning to feel sad... and then I read the rest and realized it was april's fools 😌😂😅
________________________________________________________________ It was good. Loved it.♡♡♡ ________________________________________________________________
how does she know what the duke looks like..?
My mother is a beautiful woman. She is the daughter of Duke Aronald, taking after his strawberry blonde hair and glowing pink eyes. Her tan skin is smooth and supple, as if their fruits ready for picking.
Fantasy · queenk091
Thank you for the chapter
Thank you for the chapter
Thank you for the chapter
Thank you for the chapter
Fantasy · illeannne
thank you for the chapter
I just noticed they're attracting Amar by the smell... through the vents...
"Do adjust the vents young George, the draft isn't quite right in here."
I was Born the Unloved Twin
History · CCmei