

male LV 4

Prefer fantasy, action and adventure based. Enjoy having a relaxing read to calm my mind and escape the hell that is life!

2020-05-22 เข้าร่วมแล้ว United Kingdom
ป้าย 9

Moments 2627
1 years ago

DnD Stirges for reference

1 years ago

to rush, this was ---> to rush; this was

It was better not to rush, this was an extremely important foundation for future progress. If he messed up here and ruined his potential who would he complain to?

Reborn as God: The strongest system

Reborn as God: The strongest system

Fantasy · PillGrandCreator

1 years ago

How this silver merfolk feels when first being spawned:

1 years ago
Replied to Azurax

I know this is a long time since you’ve joked but, Ohm my god that joke is not Ampparent to everyone! Please don’t have too much Resistance to my jokes though… there’s only so much Capacitance for humour any one person can have. Enjoy the comedy Short!

1 years ago
Replied to MrSquare

For a rotational north, yes; we don’t know the magnetic north though. Based on this it’d be logical to use east based on the rising and setting of the sun. Unfortunately, we don’t know if this civilisation uses magnetic or rotational north for orientation. If they use magnetic then it’s possible for the north to be different from the rotational north by quite a bit as magnetic north and rotational north don’t line up perfectly. This will cause discrepancies in where the direction of the east would be. I do agree with your reasoning but, we’d want more information from the person he’s just met. TLDR: east could be chosen based on rotational or magnetic poles. Both don’t always line up well meaning it could be off.

"Go towards the eastern end of the garden. You will find a service entrance there. That entrance is for the keepers and the gardeners, and it has a couple of guards stationed there. When you leave the garden, you will quickly find a bigger village. Ask around for directions to Warrior's Paradise. That's a city, and when you get there, it will be easy to find the academy," Duke Whirlwind said as he took out a piece of paper and a pen.

Sword God in a World of Magic

Sword God in a World of Magic

Fantasy · Warmaisach

1 years ago
Replied to Incognito_Shadow

Great anime; season 2 is also airing now!

1 years ago
Replied to HuskyGorila

If the ankle impacts the elbow with the force of a professional fighter, the force rolls the ankle and causes the fracture. (I forgot to add this main part before)

They could only fix it to the point that would allow him to walk somewhat normally with the support of a cane, but that was it. There was nothing more they could do.

Sword God in a World of Magic

Sword God in a World of Magic

Fantasy · Warmaisach

1 years ago
Replied to Houraji

You are correct. The square root of 50,000 is roughly 224. So they’d instead be searching an area the size of a square 224km on each side. Still massive but accounts for possible magic and it’s more doable than something larger than all of Earth. With 50,000km^2 it’s a bit bigger than Slovakia and a little smaller than Costa Rica, and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Sword God in a World of Magic

Sword God in a World of Magic

Fantasy · Warmaisach

1 years ago

Thanks for the great chapters Adui!

1 years ago

Congratulations on the baby Adui! I wish you, Ms Adui and baby Adui and lovely time. Great chapters, don’t worry about the release rate your family comes first.
