Really good book
Video Games · FourPin
I always did think a chiropractor would make a killing in an apocalypse. All the work, running, fighting that literally everyone would do means there would be not short in demand that’s for sure XD
Video Games · FourPin
Ah nod to New Vegas 😊
Video Games · FourPin
Wow truck kun’s grand father XD
Christopher tried to catch hold of his wife but was too late. She had slipped through his fingers like sand. In an instant, she was gone. He couldn't move and stood frozen in place. The Lord watched in horror as Lilith shrieked in pain; she was crushed beneath the wheels of a passing coach. The carriage halted, and the coachman jumped down, running over to where Lilith lay bleeding and broken in the snow. Christopher saw the driver bend down to touch her body. Lord Thorn snapped, and before the man's hand could reach her, The Lord hurled the driver back across the road.
Fantasy · The_Sweet_Sparrow
In my source (Comic Vine) she is 240. Ofc, comic vine articles cover a character’s entire history including remakes and stuff. This little tidbit was right at the top and idk if lanterns get as many reworks as other characters. I think the New 52 Arisia Rrab is simply 13 lol Thanks for reading!
Starfire laughed, "I think in Earth years she's a little over two hundred so no."
Anime & Comics · xWandererx
He not fat he just dummy thicc!
"Let me tell you how this one goes," said the fat man, as i saw that weak chair flexing under his weight. Every second I could feel the chair slowly dying.
Urban · demon_king69
The book is terrible. Kidding. The concepts taken for this book come from true stories of mobs, dictators and police. Only snippets though. Taking snippets of history, philosophy, and real world issues I try to sew them into a masterwork. This is but a draft. I will keep the fully edited version to myself. Down through these years of me trying to make this perfect, (& technical issues) bits and pieces in my mental outline have evolved but the core inspiration remains the same. The dilemma of lesser evils and choosing between them. When given a lesser evil, so much better than the last, is it then considered good? Why so serious? 😈 Then on the flip side the Baron and crew are just pure comic relief. I would love to see this in a comic lol 😂
Arisia/ Green Lantern DC Comics x OC (M)
Others · xWandererx
Fallout: Vault X
Video Games · FourPin