Dr_Paradox9898 - Profile


male LV 11
2020-05-18 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Australia

ป้าย 8

Moments 13


I don't tend to comment much cause I'm a shy person and lurkerin a sense. Also Congrats on 300.


Chapter 300!!! YAY!!! I hope you all enjoy my story... I haven't been getting as many people posting comments or anything but I hope you all enjoy nonetheless! 

Reality Bender System, Marvel

Reality Bender System, Marvel

Anime & Comics · Alex_Simmonds


Nah I still like it very much.

Hey guys, sorry to grab you straight away like this but I was wondering if you still like this, i know i asked this a while back but I am constantly seeing decreases in every aspect of my fan fic... So i get worried... I don't think its getting stale but it just seems indicative of people not liking it.

Reality Bender System, Marvel

Reality Bender System, Marvel

Anime & Comics · Alex_Simmonds

Replied to Sorrowful_Ghost


"Join the club," I said sarcastically.

The Tale Of Kitsuna

The Tale Of Kitsuna

Fantasy · TheRealSkollie


as a Australian I love this.

“Australia didn’t make much noise. All we had to do was drop a platoon in Canberra and they almost seemed happy to surrender. I don’t think I’ll ever understand those people,” the nyxian said with a shake of her head, bemused by the Australian attitude toward life in general. They were, by and large, a very sanguine, phlegmatic people with a distinct sense of humor about their own situation. Thus, the only people that weren’t confused by their willing surrender and “it’s your problem now” attitude were the Australians themselves.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047


That is gold

All Nyxians had specialties, but they were broadly grouped into a few categories: honeypots, cats, techies, hitters, and twists. Most of them were obvious; honeypots, for instance, were classic femme fatale seductresses who specialized in getting intel out of targets through “personal interactions”, while cats were repossession experts trained in the art of Strategically Transporting Equipment to Alternate Locations (STEALing), and hitters were assassins.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047


I Like the Gentle Giant

Just like Jason had twitchy toes as the manifestation of his pre-mission jitters, Corporal McCullough turned into a chatterbox and his accent came out. He was a big corn-fed farm boy type even before the genetic enhancements, and after them, he looked like Lou Ferrigno from the old tv series “The Hulk”. He was the team’s heavy weapons specialist and his usual loadout was a chain coilgun. It was a testament to his strength, as those were normally mounted on vehicles or turrets because of their mass and recoil. But he could handle one just fine on his own, and when the metal met the meat he was a good guy to have on your side, so even with his chatterbox tendencies and thick, rural accent, nobody would ever be anything less than patient with the gentle giant.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047


Is that a StarCraft reference?

"Why do we even have spies if not for exactly that. Go beg, borrow, or steal what they have, because they don't deserve to have it!"

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047
