Perks of being an introvert XD
Uhh...I didn't know if I should be really happy about being safe because I was such a homebody, but—yay for the introvert...I guess?
· Aerlev
Fu Shinan's expression changed. No way, this was the symptom of acute appendicitis!
Urban · Ni Ni
Man I think I’m just 5’0
My name was Li Dai Lu, and I was born and raised in the country of Canada on a planet called Earth where I lived for 30 some-odd years until I fell sick from a virus that swept the world and died. I was nothing special on Earth. I was short, no more than 5'2, with long black hair, and blue eyes. I had a love of all things Asian and a thirst for knowledge. I had no family and spent my time in Social Services until I turned 18 and could make my own way. Life was hard, but it was mine.
Sci-fi · Devilbesideyou666
It’s not his fault :(
· Aerlev
Just let them be together already!! And happily please…
There’s No Love In the Deathzone (BL)
· Aerlev