

female LV 14
2020-04-30 เข้าร่วมแล้ว United States
ป้าย 26

Moments 984
1 months ago


" she -she kissed me, and she - she even touched me!" gushed Ye Liu like a fangirl before rolling on his bed, from here to there. It was like all his dreams have come true, as a jaw splitting wide grin was etched on his face, he cupped his face and flailed his legs, feeling a sort of euphoria " my wife, my wife likes me!"

Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Fantasy · fairytail72

2 months ago


Her tone was sarcastic and filled with contempt but Yu Dong didn't say anything. She would love to see how long Mu Xuan can stay arrogant! After all money talks! The amount she would pay her workers wasn't small and she would even give them a good meal after they finish working in the afternoon, let's see who will be able to resist this temptation! When she thought it like this Yu Dong wasn't angry at all, in fact, she was looking forward to how Mu Xuan will clear up the mess she made today.

Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Fantasy · fairytail72

2 months ago


Chen Mi swallowed all his questions because he already got answers for each of his questions. The woman in front of them wasn't their wife but someone else as for how it happened, he didn't want to ask, to him Yu Dong was his wife. And as long as she was with him, he will be by her side. 

Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Fantasy · fairytail72

2 months ago


They never understood why children loved playing in the river but now they did, it was too much fun! Though that got we, Luckily, it was late at night, many villagers were already asleep, so they didn't have to worry about being caught either. 

Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Fantasy · fairytail72

2 months ago

This, ehm, fit the situation too well


His body was back in top form, and he could feel his desire standing tall and eager.  Oh, that was troublesome.

Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Fantasy · fairytail72

2 months ago

Woman! Did you not hear how they stole your supposed friend’s hard work and she put up with it? Are you deaf as well as a fool? Honestly, the audacity


"Don't worry about her" said Mu Xuan as she cast a dark look at Yu Dong's small house " you know how Yu Dong, that niece of yours is... Sigh, if only she had a good character would I still be so strict towards her? No one in the village likes her yet I still allow her to live here all because her mother was a good friend of mine. If not for her, I would have chased this hooligan out of my village long ago.  Don't care about her from now on, just leave her alone in a week or two once she is finished with the grains at her house she will come and ask you for help, then you can ask  her to help you, but remember to give her the grains she wants because even if she is not a good seedling, she is still your niece"

Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Fantasy · fairytail72

2 months ago


Staring at the grown wheat in front of him , Qiu Bai felt like a headache was coming . He had completely forgotten about this matter , he remembered to bully those three good for nothing mers to sow seeds before kicking them out of the house but the thought that what need to be sown need to be harvested had totally skipped his mind at that time . Now here he stood in front of overgrown wheat fluttering in their family's fields - the wheat was completely ripe to harvest but their was no one to harvest it !

Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Fantasy · fairytail72

2 months ago


Hearing Yu Dong call them ' her person ' both Shen Li and Ye Liu blushed furiously . Though Shen Li knew that she was only talking about taking responsibility of them , he still felt his heart skip a beat . He wouldn't mind becoming her person , even though his body wouldn't react to the previous Yu Dong but it didn't mean that his body wouldn't react to the current Yu Dong . And his thumping heart was an example of it .

Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Fantasy · fairytail72

2 months ago


Yu Mai who patting the soil gently after sowing seeds felt attacked . He has been working from morning until the sun rose all the way up on his head and yet his elder brother in law said that his sister was working ' alone ' ? How was this alone ? This was looking down on him !

Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Fantasy · fairytail72

2 months ago


Yu Dong had nearly pulled the bucket full of water and was just taking it out of the mouth of the well , when a deep and calm voice came from behind her " you are not her , are you ?"

Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Fantasy · fairytail72