Here we go again qnother story that never been updated.. To the author please u can tell to all ur readers that ur not goin to end this story.. So that we didnt expect anything and we can delete this on our library.. We feel bad to the author of this story its almost 2 months since i ended reading the last part of this story.. Im not the only one who are really disappointed on what happen to this story.. Please dont ignore all the comments, just make time to read all of it...
ohhhh, my goshhh, the story is so thrill. . Hope till the end it going well.. Congratz to the author even im not yet ddone...Every chapter is very interesting, happy and enjoy it while im reading... Stay safe..
A*** bery satisfy bout the story.. But next tiñe make it clear if it is Tagalog or English story.. Sometimes some of readers enjoy to read a tagalog version. Anyway send my congrats to the author,its a good job to us... God bless us all.. 💓💓💓
ohhhh, why stilldont have an update. . Hope the author had time to this story.. Feel so bad and disappointed too...
gud day, i am one of the readers here in Webnovel.. But i am so disappointed to ur story to stop the update of it.. You dont even told us whats the tittle in English if u had it in english version u must told us.. Feel bad on ur parpart as a writer... 😡😡😡
ohhhh, i feel so crazy since Eddie or Zach into this part its always make me smile and laugh alone. Ahahahhahahaa. .. Hope it will be ok till end .. Again im so proud to the author , congratz... Stay safe
ohhhhh, my gosh nakakagulat every chapter of this story. Congrats to the author,im very impressed to every chapter. Even the update takes a long time,very satisfy to wait until the end.. God bless.. .💋💋💋
I love the story very much.. Congratz to the author.. God bless...
A***ww, hacker vs hacker .. Nice partner in real....😍😍😍
Thank u to the author.. it makes me thrill everytime i read this story... Keep up the good work and stay safe... God bless us all...
The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance
Urban · AJZHEN