It’s a fantastic book I removed it because I couldn’t understand the plot from 114 and above however if you want to read the beginning go to to read it from the beginning otherwise it’s a great book
The bleary days preceding the panic (114)
Fantasy · RinoZ
It’s a fantastic book I removed it because I couldn’t understand the plot from 114 and above however if you want to read the beginning go to otherwise it’s a great book
Yikes if you remove the first 113 who’s going to read it if there’s no beginning honestly just reading from 113 made me so confused as to what is happening and it looks good but I don’t think you should have removed the first 113 but all of it so it can be appreciated anyway that’s just me I’m gonna remove the book because it’s not worth paying if there’s no beginning I’m not surprised that only the people who have read the beginning love it but for those who haven’t it makes no sense and is overall confusing
Ah quite frustrating when you don’t even know what happened in the first 113 chapters and are so confused
The bleary days preceding the panic (114)
Fantasy · RinoZ
Holy f I loved that game
Universe at War : Earth Assault
Video Games · thelightedghost
Honestly I wish that there is even more chapters I really want to read more the story is quite new and interesting definitely something I have not read in awhile please give us more chapters
Once I was done messing around with the Ope-Ope no mi, I tried testing my other abilities. First by squeezing my buttocks and all the muscle in my arm. Just by doing so, I felt an immense power churn inside of me. My heart started pumping blood a lot faster and small electric sparks started manifesting around me. To an outsider, it would look like I was turning into a Super Saiyan.
Movies · Normal_Dude
Brah ha ha ha lol
Morpheus noticed this disturbance in the force.
Sci-fi · Photosphere
Nooooooo monster poor doggies
Professor McGonagall said almost immediately: "Dogs are not among the pets allowed at Hogwarts."
HP: The Necromancer
Book&Literature · keep_smiling29