

male LV 14
2020-04-07 เข้าร่วมแล้ว United States
ป้าย 21

Moments 3170
1 years ago

here are 5 stars for having pharsa on the cover. are any of the female leads blind. and does the mc become a bird that follows her around if so peak writing lol 🤣

2 years ago
Replied to precursor

I thought it was just a passing interest because of a possible interpretation of the prophecy nothing being guaranteed he has a wait and see approach. for all we know he might want to just use her powers not interested in aina the person at all.

2 years ago
Replied to precursor

pretty sure rychard is the one who wants aina. not mygell

2 years ago

demon gohst beast lol 🤣 what a mouthful. wrong genre but I can imagine him sounding like an old pirate telling ghost stories that no one believes

Ruahd was only slightly intimidated as he gulped. "Same thing in these parts. T'was a Demon Ghost Beast. It tried to entrance me with its silver gaze."

The Guardian of Rynnlee

The Guardian of Rynnlee

Fantasy · NobleQueenBee

2 years ago

hmm actually you can be stalked by a ghost so yea he's wrong

"Did it float or stalk? It can't do both." Curtenus interrupted.

The Guardian of Rynnlee

The Guardian of Rynnlee

Fantasy · NobleQueenBee

2 years ago

yes a large bird at night lol 🤣 didn't know they were common

The Guardian of Rynnlee

The Guardian of Rynnlee

Fantasy · NobleQueenBee

2 years ago

sadist? no my friend. You are a Masochist you enjoy the pain. definitely an M. why all your women leave you for other women and now your stuck with a granny teacher for a gf xD. though you like to share pain to others doesn't make you an S. youre simply a M that likes to share 😂

I am really a sadist and wretched bastard who needs pain as motivation, but it is how I work, and I am not apologetic about it. There are not many at my level capable of doing what I am doing, and I am capable of doing it due to the motivation this nature of mine provides me.

Monster Integration

Monster Integration

Fantasy · AnWan

2 years ago
Replied to Xanarcy_Leo

imagine calling me dumb then saying he didn't kill her then saying he killed her in the same post. make sense bruh 🤣🤣🤡🤡

[Grind God, the top player of Avatar Online killed 5 people in the recent shooting!]

Avatar Online

Avatar Online

Games · Piokilek

2 years ago

or just has access to your streams 🙄 this guy not smart at all

Or was he someone who came back from time, just like myself? However the time I came from had no one like me.

I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Fantasy · ranmaro

2 years ago

I mean it's any living being that's broken. you could literally lvl by killing rodents ants and other insects. 10,000 is small number for ants or rodents. pluss that's a 100 points to every stat. 100,000 kills makes you gaurentees lvl 100 with 10 k in every stat. not to mention skills that will come with leveling that's just broken. imagine having a dungeon x.x where monster infinitely respawn lol. you'd be the strongest on earth in a year. this class is for grinders. in 24 hours he's killed almost 1k enimies at that speed in 3onths he'd be lvl 100 how is that not broken af lol

[Storing one hundred souls will allow you to raise all your stats by one point. Storing one thousand souls will let you upgrade the class level by one. Upgrading the class level by ten levels will open the next stage of the class for you]

I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Fantasy · ranmaro

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    Book&Literature COMEDY MAGIC TRAGEDY

    In an effort to to right what was wrong with the world, The Fates could almost never agree. Some wanted to take drastic measures, others wanted to be the guiding hand, and yet others wanted to do nothing at all. In the midst of this debate there was one group that saw hope for the future, a future that lied in the hands of A Warrior Princess. The world would be saved not by the current empress, or her wayward son. but by Meriwen her headstrong daughter. Please read Empress of the world up too chapter 200 to understand the plot of this story. That novel is not by me much better writing and free. Check it out.

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