

LV 15
2020-04-05 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global
ป้าย 10

Moments 27
11 days ago

Are you hinting at the suggestion I gave a little bit ago? A sword doesn't need to for death & destruction. The sword can be an art form as it is in the modern world. It can exist not just to kill, but also to hone and perfect the art of the sword itself so that one can cut whatever one desires. Here's one example, when Zoro fights Crocodile's subordinate with the bladed arms, he had to learn to cut steel. He learned how to cut what he wants as he wants to. So, by this idea.. Rio could make his blade cut anything, but also nothing. It can cut through air purely to perfect his movement beyond perfection.

"A sword is an emotionless tool meant for destruction and death… Don't lose the 'Flow of your sword's intentions'… That's what you promised yourself…"

Reborn as an Extra

Reborn as an Extra

Fantasy · Calm_Mountains

17 days ago

Maybe Rio can cure her, he can manipulate Miasma himself.

19 days ago

In the real world? I'd be creeped out in honesty. I want a partner who loves me. I don't want someone obsessed with me. I'm introverted, I have time I need to be alone. Also, love is expressed best when they can both agree and disagree with you when you're right or wrong. If you never such points where you never conflict, that can be a good thing but also a bad thing when those views are morally incorrect. My ideal partner would be a woman who loves me, slightly shorter than me, has ambition, and has some of the same goals as me. Personally, I don't want children. If she wants children, that'd be a huge conflict between us, so that likely wouldn't work out. It's fine if she can't cook, sucks at house chores, a bit naive, etc. I can help teach her so she can learn, or we learn together.

1 months ago
Replied to GavPraedo

Oh, and follow up thought. Perhaps this is why his sword heart is imperfect. He doesn't have complete control over his sword intent. His mastery is extraordinary beyond measure compared to Link's Dao Rhythm mastery, yet the biggest flaw is that he allows it to harm its user without stopping it or even having recognized it was happening.

1 months ago

Rio just needs to redefine what a perfect sword heart is. A perfect sword must cut everything? A sword is a blade. A blade only cuts what is chosen. A blade has no will but acts on the will of its user. So, a perfect sword heart is just the user having absolute control over what is to be cut by their blade. If the sword is severing his emotions, then turn the blade away from his emotions.

1 months ago

To be an anomaly is dangerous. Humans innately fear the unknown. This is embodied in the fear of darkness. We can not know what is there if we can not see it. Through history, we've sought to understand the unknown or remove it. Anything dangerous to us that can not be controlled or predicted is either forced to be left alone because it's yet untouchable or eliminated because it's reachable. Rio is within reach. So within a more realistic setting, it's expected that he would honestly be killed. Even by his own allies. It is better to be a genius beyond knowledge than an anomaly that shows no capacity to be controlled.

2 months ago

Heaven's suppression, perhaps? the world blessed him, but I don't think (I can't remember too well) the heavens bear any favor towards him.

2 months ago
Replied to GavPraedo

Either that or he's spending 21 hours a day on that.. which doesn't allow enough time for other expected activities

Shye had been an excellent division leader, not forgetting to fulfill his duties despite grinding to improve his combat techniques, his attributes, and his experience, for 42 hours every two days with the help of natural recovery pills.

Flashy Adventurer System : Show Off to Get Stronger!

Flashy Adventurer System : Show Off to Get Stronger!

Fantasy · Meowder

2 months ago

Is this planet on a different orbital axis than Earth around its star? Maybe I forgot if that is the case, or that 42 hours is a typo.

Shye had been an excellent division leader, not forgetting to fulfill his duties despite grinding to improve his combat techniques, his attributes, and his experience, for 42 hours every two days with the help of natural recovery pills.

Flashy Adventurer System : Show Off to Get Stronger!

Flashy Adventurer System : Show Off to Get Stronger!

Fantasy · Meowder

3 months ago

Most definitely not.

Would you have agreed to take an interview in exchange for a free vacation trip?

Reborn as an Extra

Reborn as an Extra

Fantasy · Calm_Mountains