This is tabula rasa, a theory of John Locke’s if anyone’s interested.
The man is born good and society corrupts them? No, maybe no one is born good or evil. A blank slate that can be filled by anything... From good morals to the more of vile teachings.
Anime & Comics · Evans_The_Writer
How bout you invade Area 51
Send me your power stones so that I can plan a proper retaliation. Uploads might not be super consistent still, but it is the fault of the darn FBI. They have executed a containment protocol code named Baldurs' Gate.
Anime & Comics · BonAurevoir
[Annihilation Maker(Admin): LET ME OUT!! LET ME OOOOUUUUUT!!!! çéà&^$&é*ù##éà&...!!!!!!!]
Anime & Comics · Soul_Caliber
Anime & Comics · BonAurevoir
This is a robbery, give me your power stones and no one will get hurt.
Anime & Comics · BonAurevoir
Thanks for the chapter
"Ohh, great ones of the immaterium, hear me and heed my call. Come Khorne, The Blood God. Come Tzeentch, The Changer of the Ways. Come Nurgle, The Great Lord of Decay. Come Slaanesh, The Prince of Excess. Come and claim the great prize I offer up in your exalted names. Witness my offering, an entire universe free for the plundering. All I ask for in return is a piece of each of you, enough to make me a follower of Chaos Undivided." I called out, feeling the building of power, not noticing as my eyes, ears, and mouth began to bleed.
Book&Literature · Conceptual_Entity
-I have ideas for the other champions quirk! (Give your ideas here)
Anime & Comics · sonicpanda1_2507
'What is the rule? What is the exception?' Hector reflects
Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel
Anime & Comics · Evans_The_Writer