Savage? Yes No chill? Nah, that’s his whole thing lol
Feeling like a God, Jack commanded the glaive through his soul to rip upwards, splitting the Iron Gang leader in half from chest up.
Movies · Torhelm
"Bacon tastes better," Kenji said before taking another bite off his bacon sandwich.
Anime & Comics · SlimeSage
During these years, I discovered that the sun was making me stronger like Superman, my favorite hero.
Anime & Comics · SlimeSage
Cursing at my luck, I pressed the SOS alarm on my belt, alerting Batman we were in deep trouble as I resolved to stale the obviously out-of-my-league villain.
Anime & Comics · CORNBRINGER
‘Thank you’ only requires one hand in ASL
He held Calvin's hand and slowly muttered, "Thank you." Before Caesar's hand slowly dropped out of Calvin's hand along with a long Beep sound that comes out of the electric Vital Sign Monitor.
Anime & Comics · SlimeSage
Scott Sterling!!!
The Man, the Myth, the Legend
Urban · HappyVainGlory
I call the AI Trix in my fanfic too
Ben didn't have much time to think yet, he didn't hesitate to snap his fingers, "I know, I'll call you Trix!" he declared.
Anime & Comics · Cat_Alt
Glancing at his clothes, he saw them covered in Aggregor's blood. His breath caught in his throat, he held his hands towards his face. They were covered in dried blood and the smell engulfed the entire room. Ben brought his knees to his chin and gripped the back of his head, groaning.
TV · Ignatius_Artist
No reason for one
Zatanna's breath quickened and her moans increased in volume as he traced his tongue around her areola. She squirmed when he lightly bit her nipple and pulled.
TV · Ignatius_Artist
Ah yes, because wanting to change plot holes in a fictional story is comparable to actually living in said story smh