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2020-02-26 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global
ป้าย 5

Moments 21
2 years ago

this paragraph tickled me so much... lol

Due to copyright infringement, the creatures of this world were simply called Beasts— mysterious creatures that freely roam the world. Every region and continent has its own exclusive Beasts which made the world a literal ball of adventure. This world is where Ash Grey grew up in along with his mom AND DAD. And right now, he was leading the dream as one of the Region Lead Researcher's assistants. His task— to study the Beasts, adventure with his own Beasts as a Beast Tamer, and aid in the Beast Research.

My System: An Evolved Computer I Made With My Unique Ability—

My System: An Evolved Computer I Made With My Unique Ability—

Fantasy · DaisukiDayoSenpai

2 years ago

I loved the story but the ending felt rushed... where was little tiger? was that entire arc redundant and pointless? where was the abyssal emperor's clone? that being said, thanks for the story HF, I'm gonna miss raven being extra... :/

2 years ago
Replied to ScotchTy

light manipulating devices are great until the light triggered migraines D-shot ya lol

"The Life Affinity can accomplish many of the same healing tasks as the Light Affinity with a different approach. Unlike the Light Element, which, in essence, restores when healing, the Life Element uses your body's natural healing response by speeding up the recovery rate of the beings cells and multiplying cellular reproduction several times."

The Over-Break System

The Over-Break System

Fantasy · ScotchTy

2 years ago
Replied to ScotchTy

they seem the same, the difference seems to just be mana works on intent unless wild, which just bolsters... healing the mouth and nose of an enemy closed seems feasible in vinestra, same with embolisms and the like, so tumour control and cancer manipulation seems like a feasible art form... lol

"The Life Affinity can accomplish many of the same healing tasks as the Light Affinity with a different approach. Unlike the Light Element, which, in essence, restores when healing, the Life Element uses your body's natural healing response by speeding up the recovery rate of the beings cells and multiplying cellular reproduction several times."

The Over-Break System

The Over-Break System

Fantasy · ScotchTy

2 years ago
Replied to Leylin_Farlier

fitting name for the edgy comment lol

"I really don't want to hide for the rest of my life until I reach the peak and feel safe." Felix extended his arms in a carefree manner and said with a charming smile, "What's the point of living if It's going to be like that?"

Supremacy Games

Supremacy Games

Sci-fi · MidGard

2 years ago
Replied to Arcedemius

I've always disagreed with 'an' being the correct indefinite article for 'Herb', it's not pronounced " 'erb", the 'H' may not be as heavily enunciated as a 'hello', but it's not silent like 'honour', as such, it should logically be "A Herbalist" and you Americans should stop making weird changes to the English language, just pronounce words properly instead, it makes everything so much easier... XP

Maybe something simple? A Farmer or an Herbalist?

Redo: Grimoire System in the Apocalypse

Redo: Grimoire System in the Apocalypse

Fantasy · Ullyr

2 years ago

mmmm, kentucky fried chocobo...


My aunt's cooking was the best, and though the fired beast meat had been fine, it had lacked the flavor my aunt's cooking had, not to mention it wasn't actually chicken, just the closest meat we could find to chicken.

Aether Beasts

Aether Beasts

Fantasy · I_S_Rift

2 years ago

this extract is amazing, so many hints to the future lol

Gene Era: Breath of Evolution

Gene Era: Breath of Evolution

Fantasy · YoanRoturier

2 years ago

not even a laughing gif on this, SMH... Well done author, this line is a thing of beauty... lol


  - Shattering dimensional Fourth Wall.-

The Over-Break System

The Over-Break System

Fantasy · ScotchTy

2 years ago
Replied to Power_System_Mage

just figured I'd put this in for if anyone is curious, panthera is a sub branch on the Felidae branch of the Animalia on the evolutionary tree, Felid being the latin term for a cat, in English, we now use the term feline, the sub branch under Felidae; Panthera refers to all big cats, so the aristocats, other than Crunch are all Panthera/ Panthers (since technically, the panther is just a crossbreed of big cats), Crunch himself is simply a greatly enhanced Felis Catus... however, if mentioning the entire grouping, they would all be felines, as the author wrote... I love the fact that I now know that Ligers and Tigons are just failed panthers, until a successful crossbreed that isn't infertile is born... lol

The only ones who were exempt from this treatment were Jake, Grash, Mufasa and Shere Khan, who stood guard with the utmost vigilance. On the lion's advice, the other felines were also dispatched to patrol around their makeshift camp. The felines were tough beasts with much sharper senses than most humans. Even if the Digestors did eventually attack, they would not be taken by surprise.

The Oracle Paths

The Oracle Paths

Sci-fi · Arkinslize