That is exactly what I avoid doing. I usually use his name in a sentence, then I address him as 'He' in the next one. I usually try to use his name once per paragraph, but never twice in a row. For example, I don't write it like this down below. I would start that second sentence off with 'he' instead of his name again. (X) Leon loves his grapes, especially the purple ones. Leon also loves oranges and apples. (O) Leon loves his grapes, especially the purple ones. He also loves oranges and apples. Trust me, I know how repetitive it is. I've seen it too many times before and it gets annoying. lol
An hour later, Leon was watching courage the cowardly dog. This was the episode about the harvest moon.
Video Games · TimeToFloat
Video Games · TimeToFloat
>Tier Picture<
Video Games · TimeToFloat
Their dad.
"Stay focused, that's a part of it. Do the best you can that's all that matters, not everybody can be a winner." Royce was able to take these days off for this competition, in order to watch.
Anime & Comics · GodsDontBleed
Lol! I just named the guy Lucian and made him black, he isn't the league character. There won't be any league characters. xD You got me over here cracking up.
Video Games · TimeToFloat
Well, i wouldnt know because i Dont have any soical mediA except youtube. And I really dont care, either.
Video Games · TimeToFloat
MacHop is its natural form, it evolves for the FirSt timE its 1st first evolutionaRy stage. This is what im going by but others might deal with this differently. 🤠
He can use hisuian pokemon and i have something in the futUre lines up for Enamorous.
Tha tragedy part was going to be his little sister dying, but I’ve decided not to go along with it. I’ll be taking the tragedy out.
What P? I sont see it.
Pokemon: Infinitely Revered
Video Games · TimeToFloat