If he were to absorb it directly without purifying it, Chen Ming's mind would gradually be corrupted over time, turning him into the very embodiment of the spreader of poison and plague, bringing death to the world in people's imaginations.
Anime & Comics · AbsoluteCode
PS: As a reader who has finished reading the entire Soul Land series, I feel deeply sorry for the Soul Beasts.
Anime & Comics · AbsoluteCode
A pale, delicate hand trembled as it grasped his, so quickly it was almost imperceptible.
Anime & Comics · I_Love_Hina
When they reached the top of the slide, the attendant gave them an odd look before shrugging and letting them through.
Anime & Comics · Vidhan_Bhardwaj
"Why... why was she so afraid of death?"
Anime & Comics · michaeI
I'm the only one who sees him digging his own grave.
"Oh how I love it when a plan comes together~."
Anime & Comics · HolyGambler
"Who said ANYTHING is impossible for ME?!"
Book&Literature · Snollygoster
The Children's Crusade
At least in the ancient times he remembered, there hadn't been an era where most of the nations agreed, either directly or tacitly, to send their own children into battle as expendable fodder.
Anime & Comics · Erovia
But knowing that he'd be cooked without the Trident, Axel summoned hundreds of weapons from the inventory, firing them all at the first.
Book&Literature · Snollygoster
Now there was something massive right under them, and from the size of the black spot rapidly approaching the surface of the water... Said something was REALLY fucking massive!
Anime & Comics · Bleap