

male LV 3
2020-01-13 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global
ป้าย 7

Moments 615
12 months ago
Replied to Sojuuuus

Ah, my bad. Thanks for the reminder.

Shop Owner in the Death Valley

Shop Owner in the Death Valley

Fantasy · hatentea

1 years ago
Replied to Jonny_Mad


1 years ago
Replied to Cathulhu


1 years ago
Replied to GokuSupreme

(T-T) Bye~ and thank you!

1 years ago
Replied to daiost_Pure_void

Well, there is. But the materials is almost impossible to find. Or Cien himself never heard of it.

Unfortunately, because it was fire magic, Cien, who had found the Monster Core yesterday, didn't feel happy at all. This was because he had no affinity for fire magic. His affinity was water.

Shop Owner in the Death Valley

Shop Owner in the Death Valley

Fantasy · hatentea

1 years ago
Replied to daiost_Pure_void

No, its one by one. One of stone fragments will absorbs while the other are idle.

That single chunk of Mana Core took three hours to fully charge. So all five took fifteen hours.

Shop Owner in the Death Valley

Shop Owner in the Death Valley

Fantasy · hatentea

1 years ago
Replied to daiost_Pure_void

Because it hard to finds. That's why he grew the herbs by himself.

He couldn't wait to process all of the materials immediately. However, he still had to restrain himself. The majority of the materials were still in the cave where Reiss slept. He didn't want to disturb him.

Shop Owner in the Death Valley

Shop Owner in the Death Valley

Fantasy · hatentea

1 years ago
Replied to daiost_Pure_void

In the future.

"Old widow, huh… Cien, do you think my decision not to remarry was wrong? What do you think if you see Kirana now? Sigh... Cien, I miss you..."

Shop Owner in the Death Valley

Shop Owner in the Death Valley

Fantasy · hatentea

1 years ago

Cien doesn't have much time to learn all the knowledge. Out of everything on his phone, he chooses to prioritize blacksmithing. But that doesn't mean Cien doesn't study alchemy. Regarding the alchemy itself, besides not being very eager to learn it, Cien also doesn't have many materials to create potions with high value.

Cien halted his strikes, plunging the hot material into water to cool it down. Then he switched on the lamp hanging on the wall.

Shop Owner in the Death Valley

Shop Owner in the Death Valley

Fantasy · hatentea

1 years ago
Replied to daiost_Pure_void

Cien physical strengths cannot be increased, no matter how diligently he trains. The same goes for the quantity of mana he possesses, because the Mana Nucleus within himself has already reached its limit. That is why Cien chooses to strengthen himself with various magical weapons.

Food from monsters Rank 5 and above could enhance one's mana quality. That's why Veronica intended to train herself while staying there. The girl could feel her power growing rapidly.

Shop Owner in the Death Valley

Shop Owner in the Death Valley

Fantasy · hatentea

  • Shop Owner in the Death Valley original

    Shop Owner in the Death Valley



    It has been ten years since Cien Millard was trapped inside Death Valley. A cursed place shunned by everyone. Only those crazy and desperate people who dare to go in there. Right at the end of his life. Cien, who he thought was going to die, turned out to be remembering all of his previous life on Earth. With new memories and a cellphone now in his hands, Cien is determined to survive to be reunited with his family. It's just that, different from the cheats he usually read, he only gets the game managing a shop as a weapon for survival. "Are you crazy?! What kind of madman would shop in such a godforsaken place?!"

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    One day, Theodore found a game application that installed itself on his cellphone. A game called Isekai Guide. In the game, it is stated that the main character is a woman who transmigrated from earth to another world named Etheria. Thodore's task in the game is to guide the main character, Rosalina, to kill the Demon King. So that Rosalina can return to her original world. But... Theodore didn't know, that the characters in the game might not be just game characters or npc. And Rosalina, might really be a victim of his world trapped in Etheria. If Theodore knew this, what would he do?

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    Pemilik Toko di Death Valley



    Sudah sepuluh tahun sejak Cien Millard terjebak di dalam Death Valley. Tempat terkutuk yang dijauhi oleh semua orang. Hanya mereka orang gila dan putus asa yang berani masuk ke sana. Tepat dipenghujung hidupnya, dirinya yang dikira akan mati ternyata malah mengingat kembali seluruh kehidupan sebelumnya di Bumi. Dengan ingatan baru dan ponsel yang kini ada di tangannya, Cien bertekad untuk bertahan hidup lebih lama lagi demi bisa bertemu kembali dengan keluarganya. Hanya saja, berbeda dari cheat-cheat yang biasa dia baca, dirinya hanya mendapatkan permainan mengelola toko sebagai senjata untuk bertahan hidup. "Apa kau gila?! Orang stress macam apa yang mau belanja ke tempat terkutuk seperti ini?!"

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  • My Podcast of Horror original

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    Bima pindah ke rumah milik kakeknya yang telah terbengkalai selama bertahun-tahun. Di dalam sana, Bima mendapatkan kacamata yang dapat membuatnya berinteraksi dengan dunia lain. Mulai saat itu, Bima pun berangsur mempelajari rahasia dari Sang Kakek yang bahkan tidak diketahui oleh keluarganya sendiri. Rahasia yang membuat Bima terjun ke dunia yang tidak pernah dia bayangkan. Dunia penuh misteri dan hal mistis. Di mana Bima akan belajar kalau di balik keramaian dan tawa kehidupan, terdapat kegelapan yang menyimpan banyak luka dari kehidupan yang dikenalnya. Ini adalah kisah dari Bima yang terjun ke berbagai permasalahan supranatural sekaligus mengurusi podcast yang mulai melambungkan namanya.

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    When he was ten years old, Bayu suddenly found that he had narcolepsy. His life, which was filled with laughter, turned dark. Sleepiness always haunted him, making his childhood he spent more often in his room sleeping and reading books. Time has passed, Bayu has graduated from college at the age of 22. But one day, Bayu suddenly inherits an artifact in the form of a library embedded in his subconscious. In a world filled with fantasy and supernatural creatures, Bayu is a little excited to do something with his new powers. "Let's make this world even more chaotic! Haaa... but when I think about it, I'm too sleepy, it's better to sleep too."

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  • Sleepy Bookmaster original

    Sleepy Bookmaster



    Ketika umurnya beranjak sepuluh tahun, Bayu tiba-tiba mendapati dirinya mengidap narkolepsi. Hidupnya yang dipenuhi tawa pun berubah menjadi kelam. Rasa kantuk selalu manghantui dirinya, membuat masa kecilnya lebih sering ia habiskan di kamar untuk tidur dan membaca buku. Waktu berlalu, Bayu kini telah lulus kuliah di umurnya yang ke-22. Namun pada suatu hari Bayu tiba-tiba mewarisi artifak berupa perpustakaan yang tertanam di alam bawah sadarnya. Di dunia yang telah dipenuhi oleh mahluk-mahluk fantasi dan supranatural, Bayu sedikit bergairah untuk melakukan sesuatu dengan kekuatan barunya. "Mari buat dunia ini semakin kacau balau! Haaa... tapi kalau kupikir lagi, aku terlalu mengantuk, mendingan juga tidur."

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