let this meme remains here, to remind me what an awesome feeling i felt when flint start shouting and john continue the calling for honor
pineapple pizza 🤣
right at the cliff where mc about to release his inner kid to toy with some zombies all over again since eldenverse
dont worry yamamoto, i sent some meme to represent you groom ur glorious beard
the original author already forgot that mc used to have a martial arts aoki style. typical chinese web novel. still, it is a great translation. good work translator.
death by snu snu
i really hope actually that mc uncles will speak by mixing some russian and english. make it much more, how to say it, more real. bcz mc and mc's mother's side of the family is russian, so if not all but some of the times, they must have talk in russian.
Hogwarts' John Wick
Book&Literature · Dragonel23