Yeah okay let me guess they are black hair black eyes and speak the superior language Chinese right, the fact that it’s impossible for humans to naturally evolve outside earth even with similar atmosphere makes this lame
This is not a difficult thing. It didn't take long for Wang Yan to find many humans on the planet. To be precise, he found many primitive humans.
Fantasy · Aquele_que_leu
Last time I checked your a hawk too 😭 your not human lil bro stop virtue signaling humans might unironically be worst than beasts in the wild even woman take bears over men now adays, only animals that come close to the atrocities we do are the ones that can think feel empathy and are sentient so unironically your the biggest beast and animal in that nest 😭💔 sorry lil bro you aren’t as noble and glorious as you thought it’ll be okay just accept who you are
Fantasy · Divineink22
Honestly I hope she trips and dies on the way the story just became so boring and predictable which is sad to see it’s an amazing concept not many have done it ruined by unoriginality
"I'll be back," she whispered, though whether it was a promise or a threat, even she wasn't sure.
Fantasy · Coffee1Man
"All a sword needs to do is serve its wielder," he said, lifting the blade, "just like this."
War · Aurora22
This is like a Chinese saying kill all Japanese bet you won’t like it huh even tho they did bad stuff during ww2 and the hypocrisy of him mocking the demon slayer than doing this, it’s bad not having free will it’s even worse picking up a grudge from the past especially a grudge that doesn’t exist since all dragons died cuz boohoo Mf mother died to a dragon so does that mean for all the other races that has theyre mothers die to humans that it’s okay to want to exterminate them the hypocrisy goes deep, he will kill a valuable mount just because his ancestor is in his feelings and became Hitler I’m 100% positive he has knowledge on how to tame a hydra
"…let dragons die."
War · Aurora22
Will he be interested in making a clan or just solo guy and no descendants
Flashes of my past life flooded my mind—how I had sacrificed everything for the sake of others. But in this life, things would be different. I wanted to experience love, to give it and to receive it. This was my chance to live for myself.
Fantasy · ASIR
No I mean when he becomes r1 his bloodlines will merge and become himself no? I’m asking if this bloodline could be passed down giving the children the same appearance as him
Flashes of my past life flooded my mind—how I had sacrificed everything for the sake of others. But in this life, things would be different. I wanted to experience love, to give it and to receive it. This was my chance to live for myself.
Fantasy · ASIR
Question will his new bloodline he merges together after cultivating be able to be passed down to his kids? And after he find out his parents just scum bags that avoid responsibility would he finally let go of this attachment?
Flashes of my past life flooded my mind—how I had sacrificed everything for the sake of others. But in this life, things would be different. I wanted to experience love, to give it and to receive it. This was my chance to live for myself.
Fantasy · ASIR
This chapter was very corny and very Chinese was extremely hard to stomach 😭
💀💀💀 gotta love Chinese ppl bro
"You black guy, you are the Pure White Pirates, why don't you call yourself the Black Pirates."
One Piece: Kingdom Restoration
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