Kazuki's mind screamed in panic, 'This isn't happening! This can't be happening!'
Anime & Comics · AB_NANI
I actually had to look this 1 up myself
"And that," Akeno concluded, her smile now full of devilish delight, "would explain why there's such a… distinct smell of chestnut blossoms in this room."
Anime & Comics · AB_NANI
I knew a woman that would just at the mention of Kubota. She LOVED Kubota tractors and would at just saying the word
If it were possible to orgasm at just the thought of the superbike, Natasha would've have done it multiple times at this point.
Anime & Comics · Khem_Raj_Chaudhary
"Ah, Every Flavor Beans! I had terrible luck with them in my youth—bit into a vomit-flavored one and haven't been a fan since. But surely, a toffee-flavored one can't go wrong, wouldn't you agree?"
Book&Literature · windkaze
I just realized, he could just accio the cup as soon as he steps into the maze
"She's right," added Daphne. "You can't just rely on the fact you managed to escape last run through. You need to make sure of it. Plus, didn't you say John told you that you were supposed to heavily injure him during your confrontation there? That's the time when he's at his weakest."
Movies · Sunnnnn_
Since when was that an option??!
"And what do you want to do? Lock her up?"
Movies · HADEZ
"I might have some sonic cannons in production."
Anime & Comics · Khem_Raj_Chaudhary
lemme guess...Malfoy is the piglet and the guy is now Malfoy
Draco took a look at the pig slash would be rapist in the aurors' arms and said simply, "Perhaps a bacon sandwich and a spot of tea wouldn't be a bad way to start my morning after such a rude awakening."
Book&Literature · Lotus_Lover
Unnoticed by Dumbledore, Fawkes sat rooted in his bird bath in the corner of the loo watching the entire spectacle with a look of horrified terror etched onto his avian face. Unable to cope with the images carved into his brain, Fawkes did something he hadn't done in more than a century; he had an unscheduled burning day.
Book&Literature · Lotus_Lover
''Who are you even supposed to be? Moto Moto?,'' Ghost Spider taunted.
Nexus - Into the Marvelverse
Anime & Comics · AFoxyScriptwriter