Don't forget that Tungstant is also a conspirator of nameless.
"Uh, Eldest?" Tungstant says, staggering to the side a little. "What are you…"
Fantasy · RinoZ
Omg this is what I said at chapter 969 (chapter 859 for webnovel)
Fantasy · RinoZ
Solant was expecting lots of bad possibility from Anthony Antics. But Anthony still surpass those expectations easily.
The two spheres finally touch, and purple lightning explodes from the contact. Crackling purple light jags through the air and rips deep grooves into the rock, even digging lines into the diamond platform!
Fantasy · RinoZ
Omg so the golgari is also a believer
As I step over the ranks, placing my legs carefully to make sure I don't step on anything I shouldn't, several of the humans and golgari mixed amongst the ranks reach out with their hands, trying to touch me as I move past. I mean… sure… why not, I suppose. Seems a little rude, but they're here fighting alongside the Colony, so I can't get too mad.
Fantasy · RinoZ
Since ants can't become templar because it is a class, I wonder what kind of creature guarding Archodenim sanctum?
Clearly, none of the Templars are normal. It's official.
Fantasy · RinoZ
And Anthony whimsical actions
The ants move into position well before the monsters are in range, the militia and priests moving alongside them like a well-oiled machine. Which they should be! After the hundreds of hours of drills and even more live combat, none of this is new to anyone. The only thing that's different here is the scale.
Fantasy · RinoZ
Ooh? the dip in tea technique?
[Did you know there is something of a secret technique when consuming tea and biscuits?] she said conversationally.
Fantasy · RinoZ
Coolant approved
Maddened red eyes atop their stalks turned toward the window to see the adjoining room was lit, Solant watching him from within. She was reclined on one of the 'ant chairs' that he'd seen before, relaxed, cleaning her antennae, looking as casual as could be. He wasn't fooled. Even with those unreadable eyes, he could read that gaze. Solant was as cold a killer as any he had seen in the tribes, colder even. She lacked the rage and fire that bubbled within every single slug. No, Solant was just cold all the way through.
Fantasy · RinoZ
Well, that's enough mucking around. We've won a glorious victory here for the family, which hopefully means we have a little breathing room. It might be time for me to go and spend some Skill Points and see if there's anything I can spend my Biomass on.
Fantasy · RinoZ
Interesting that they never meet once but Michaelangelant can depict Anthony form into statue perfectly. Maybe they sneak peek and takes measurement when Anthony torpor?
The point where the platform reaches the shell of the fortress itself is barred by an enormous gate, crackling with power and looming over even my head. Speaking of my head, they carved it into the gate, of course. Damn Michaelangelant! I'll catch that villain if it's the last thing I do!
Fantasy · RinoZ