RagMuffin - Profile



LV 15
2019-11-28 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global

ป้าย 43

Moments 38


I thought the System sect was in the Dragon Race Territory because that was the name that the brothers came up with while in the realm of gods

Death... and me

Death... and me

Fantasy · Suiyan



Tenku frowned, and she quickly moved away from Gu Qingyang. He felt that his opponent's atmosphere had changed. Gu Qingyang's complexion became darker, and his strength increased and almost touched the half-step innate realm.

Realizer of Death : The Reaper

Realizer of Death : The Reaper

Fantasy · Nzr150cc


first time she->he had heard her talk..

This was the first time she had heard her talk about her past so freely. Her life and mischief as a kid. The games she did with her sister and the scolding she sometimes received from her parents.

God of Crime: Strongest Mafia Boss

God of Crime: Strongest Mafia Boss




Tenku ran around the arena at top speed while avoiding the light coming at her. After judging from the number of attacks Lin Zhantian had unleashed, he estimated that his opponent would soon run out of Qi before long. When the time came, he had to defeat Lin Zhantian quickly.

Realizer of Death : The Reaper

Realizer of Death : The Reaper

Fantasy · Nzr150cc

Replied to RagMuffin

correction her->his ... her-> him ... and her->his

Tenku swung her sword at the blade's aura that came at her. But when his weapon came into contact with it, Lin Zhantian's attack suddenly shattered and turned into thousands of flower petals scattered throughout the arena. Tenku reflexively avoided it, but he was too late, and another petal slightly cut her sleeve.

Realizer of Death : The Reaper

Realizer of Death : The Reaper

Fantasy · Nzr150cc


her->his and her->him

Tenku swung her sword at the blade's aura that came at her. But when his weapon came into contact with it, Lin Zhantian's attack suddenly shattered and turned into thousands of flower petals scattered throughout the arena. Tenku reflexively avoided it, but he was too late, and another petal slightly cut her sleeve.

Realizer of Death : The Reaper

Realizer of Death : The Reaper

Fantasy · Nzr150cc



The Walker Of Voids

The Walker Of Voids

Urban · Animosity


you will follow your command -> they will follow your commands


Form -> From form is a type of movement or type of structure ... from is used to indicate a starting point of a physical movement or in a statement of limits


infinity keeps going on and on like numbers 1 to infinity ... affinity is an element that is easier to comprehend to the cat(in this instance)


this feet should be foot if only the shards are in the right foot but if the shards are in both feet then you can leave it as feet

“FU*k! This is bad, I need to be more careful. Hufffff…..” Kang-Ho breathed out heavily, as he was trying to maintain his composure, while the pain was increasing as more seconds passed. The thing that got Kang-Ho more frustrated was when he tried to get the crystals out of his feet, the crystal shards all broke off of the crystal shell. Kang-Ho figured out that the shards breaking off of the shell wasn’t just random at all, as he could feel mana being supplied around the shards from the core, it seemed like the golem itself did that on purpose to disorient him even more. It seemed like the golem’s tactic worked perfectly as it had managed to get rid of Kang-Ho off of its back, within a few seconds.

The Hunter That Returned From Hell

The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Urban · Rish_madara


one foot or two feet so one right foot and one left foot make two feet

“AHHHHH….FU*K! What just happened?” Kang-Ho screamed in pain as out of nowhere he felt a very overwhelming pain coming over his body. He just couldn’t understand how he suddenly felt pain as he didn’t see anything attack him before the intense pain hit him. After the initial burst of pain Kang-Ho felt something warm flowing through his right feet.

The Hunter That Returned From Hell

The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Urban · Rish_madara


his right foot

Keeping his right feet on his mind Kang-Ho managed to roll out of the way of the arm’s swing. With a loud crashing noise, the sword like crystal arm of the golem, crashed on the ground while Kang-Ho who was supposed to get hit by the attack, was already up on his feet and one by one, removing the shards that were struck on his feet. This dodge that was made by Kang-Ho, had managed to buy himself plenty of time as half of the sword like golem’s arm was stuck inside the ground, while the arm which was halfway reattached, was noy once again disconnected from the golem’s body.

The Hunter That Returned From Hell

The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Urban · Rish_madara


"damage his feet anymore" if the only foot that is damaged is the right one then feet needs to be changed to foot

Kang-Ho tried to jumped off the back of the golem, if he stayed on top of the golem with a seriously injured leg, he wouldn’t have the ability to balance himself on top of the golem, which was still trying very hard to get rid of Kang-Ho off its back. Kang-Ho carefully tried to move up his feet trying not to damage his feet anymore than it had already been, but as soon as he moved his feet, he suddenly heard some crackle from beneath his feet.

The Hunter That Returned From Hell

The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Urban · Rish_madara


"his right feet" needs to be "his right foot"

As kang-Ho moved his gaze towards his right feet, which he had placed on the crystal shell that was protecting the crystal, he could see blood pouring out of his feet like a river. Kang-Ho could see thin sharp swords like objects that had pierced his feet from below, it seemed like all of the crystal shards managed to pierce completely through his feet, Kang-Ho could feel that the crystals which were thin as a paper, had also somehow managed to cut through the bones of his feet cleanly as if his bones were just butter.

The Hunter That Returned From Hell

The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Urban · Rish_madara


"going through his right feet" feet needs to be foot

“AHHHHH….FU*K! What just happened?” Kang-Ho screamed in pain as out of nowhere he felt a very overwhelming pain coming over his body. He just couldn’t understand how he suddenly felt pain as he didn’t see anything attack him before the intense pain hit him. After the initial burst of pain Kang-Ho felt something warm flowing through his right feet.

The Hunter That Returned From Hell

The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Urban · Rish_madara


since you say "feet" then later "leg" is it both feet or just the right foot?

With the paper thing shards still struck on his feet, Kang-Ho jumped off of the back of the golem. Kang-Ho landed just a few feet away from where the golem was standing, he didn’t want to use his injured leg while landing, so to land safely he had to jump really close, as that was the safest place for him to land with the use of only one leg. Landing any further would just be a risk as he didn’t want to use his other leg, because he didn’t know the extend of damage these shards can do to his feet even after breaking off of the shell.

The Hunter That Returned From Hell

The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Urban · Rish_madara
