{FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKK} Leo was screaming on the inside from all the frustration.
Anime & Comics · Soul_Caliber
si minecraft lo hubiera desarrollado EA be like:
On the other hand he remembered some famous mods from his previous world and found that he could sell these mods as DLCs, which would attract even more audiences who liked different things that base Minecraft didn't have.
Movies · NunuXD
El equipo sagrado de issei duplica su poder cada 10 segundos y el de vali su contraparte divide el poder cada 5 segundos y lo toma para si mismo por eso son rivales el dragón blanco y el rojo porque son opuestos y esta habilidad depende de la stamina del usuario o de sentimientos fuertes
A/N: I have changed how the Boosted Gear works because really, it never worked the way it said it did. If it did go like 2x 4x 8x 16x... Issei would have split the entire Underworld in half with a single punch. And if it went 2x 3x 4x... Issei would not have been strong enough. I will just chalk this up to the sacred gear system being buggy(Ishibumi forgot). How Boosted Gear or anything works really is not properly explained so I am going off of my own interpretation, if you have problems with it call it an AU or whatever. Also, Ddraig can only speak when the Boosted Gear is active.
Anime & Comics · Bronz_Deck
Corrigiendo al pequeño hermano de arriba el poder doblar un elemento depende de la espiritualidad de los padres, por eso en los nómadas airé todos eran maestros dobladores mientra que en la tribu agua de katara al haber perdido gran parte de su cultura, tradiciones y maestros agua hace un milagro que katara haya nacido como dobladora de agua, probablemente sea gracias a su abuela que originalmente era de la tribu agua del sur
Just another reason for me to think well of Daeron, he has a power like this but still acts like a proper man and is not overly prideful. I wonder if this is related to his Rhoynar blood and how come it came to activate so far from its source the river Rhoyne in Essos. Is the Targaryen dragon blood letting him have this power, and if so would his children with Rhaenyra also be able to use it?
Book&Literature · Pretending_Author
Buena historia! (Creando interacción)
Your ideas and constructive comments are welcome, I want fewer ghost readers and more readers who interact with the story to help me improve.
TV · Marcia_05
Estadounidenses promedio (según estadísticas)
Seated on the floor was a young blonde man with striking blue eyes and reasonably attractive features, though by American standards, his looks were rather ordinary. Weariness seemed to shadow his gaze as he let out a sigh. "Damn it. I've somehow found myself inhabiting the life of a less fortunate kid."
Movies · NewComer714
Personalmente me gusta la de los enderman donde antes eran humanos que cazaban dragones con los barcos de las end city y quedaron atrapados solo comiendo coral fruit que los hizo cambiar siendo los endermans que habitan el end hoy en día
"Obligation?" I asked them, being now more confused than before, "Subdue the Enderdragon, that being we are compelled to watch over for eternity, and we will follow you faithfully, free of the shackles that keep us clinging to this place."
TV · Marcia_05
Hablando de futuras domas. En la danza la única causa real de que los verdes durarán tanto tiempo fue que tenían el dragón más grande del mundo, sin vhagar los negros hubieran destrozado de manera unánime a los verdes
El chiste se cuenta solo
After a long ride, Edric Storm arrived at King's Landing under the morning sun. His black shadowskin cape, which he had looted from one of the mountain clansmen leaders, adorned his armour. He had an imposing presence, his stag horns drawing the eyes of all who saw him. His white falcon, which he had named Freedom, flew above him.
Video Games · SovereignOfHeaven
Con el reciente hackeo a gamefreak solo tengo una cosa que decir.... aléjate de typhlosion
--Abuelo, también tengo pensado un Wooper y si la suerte lo permite un Cindaquil o Oshawott~
Pokémon: El último en pie.
Video Games · Luixto_Miroku