"Why didn't they give Dragonite a Mega Evolution?" he grumbled. "It's one of the coolest pseudo-legendaries ever!"
Anime & Comics · keep_smiling29
For farming (Ground-type Pokémon): Diglett, Dugtrio, Mudsdale, Sandslash, Torterra, or Excadrill.
Anime & Comics · keep_smiling29
Now, I'm also considering adding back the previous chapters (everything before Chapter 352) by Sunday. 🤔 I'm a little torn on whether this is a good or bad decision, so I'd love to hear your thoughts! Would you guys prefer having them back, or should I hold off?
Anime & Comics · keep_smiling29
welcome back 😁
On a whim, I remove my top completely and toss it at him before walking away with a sway in my step. As I turn my head back I catch a glimpse of a transparent fluffy looking tail for the briefest moment, but when I double check it is gone. I shrug slightly as sex sounds more interesting at the moment and keep on my way. I don't get far before I am joined by a similarly topless Flannery which causes me to raise an eyebrow at her but I don't complain as I stare at my mate's beautiful body. She takes her keycard and swipes at the door right beside me and pushes me inside before slamming her lips into mine as the door closes behind her.
Anime & Comics · kurotsuki007
I'm enjoying the story so far Thanks author!!!
[img=More pls]
I'm glad your're back i was really sad when i saw it was deleted.
did the fic get deleted?
I'm pretty sure it's a wet owl 🦉...... but not 💯 about it.......
"Why didn't they give Dragonite a Mega Evolution?" he grumbled. "It's one of the coolest pseudo-legendaries ever!"
Pokemon: A New Path
Anime & Comics · keep_smiling29