

LV 10
2019-11-21 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global
ป้าย 5

Moments 87
2 years ago
Replied to Justsome_nobody

I understand you but I think it's very naive of you to think that a peaky blinders fic would be light, if even in the series violent and questionable things happen.

2 years ago
Replied to v1de

War changes people, some more than others, in a place where you only see destruction and death your psyche is destroyed, do you think the MC or Shelby is worrying about the well being of others? what they want is their own well-being, not to mention that to build a business empire, the MC will have to get their hands dirty, whether they like it or not, so don't be too sensitive about it.

2 years ago
Replied to Justsome_nobody

War changes people, some more than others, in a place where you only see destruction and death your psyche is destroyed, do you think the MC or Shelby is worrying about the well being of others? what they want is their own well-being, not to mention that to build a business empire, the MC will have to get their hands dirty, whether they like it or not, so don't be too sensitive about it.

2 years ago

Thanks for the chapter, Author-san, have you decided who the MC's romantic partners will be? If yes, please don't tell me it's going to be a cabaret where the MC will take girls as if they were pokemons, 3 to 4 is good, it doesn't have to be a cabaret.

2 years ago

Thanks for the chapter, but I would like to know if there is a possibility that in the next story your author-san will make a more anti-hero/villain MC? because both the MC of this story and the MC of harry potter are very heroic, beautiful affectionate who live on a rainbow. you author-san write very well and your stories are a 10, but they are also full of joy and happiness, I want to see a story with the same quality as yours with a little more reality.

2 years ago
Replied to Lucas_Felix

Piénselo y responda a mi comentario con el número más o menos de mujeres para el harén, de modo que si encuentro el número demasiado absurdo, me retiraré ahora mismo.

2 years ago

No estoy en contra del harén, pero ¿quieres tener tantas mujeres? un harem con 3 a 4 mujeres esta bien, pero mas que eso ya pierde el sentido, me gusto mucho la historia pero cuando el MC empieza a tomar mujeres como si fueran pokemon entonces me hace perder todo el entusiasmo, el consejo lo acepte sería crear un pequeño harén, porque de esa manera mantendrás tanto a los lectores que quieren un harén como a las personas como yo a las que les gustó la historia pero que la abandonarán si el MC comienza una colección de mujeres sin sentido.

2 years ago

There will be some ritual for Harry to have Grindelwald's bloodline and for him to become the true heir, because after Sirius is freed he will have some control over Harry as the magically bonded godfather, if Grindelwald is not truly responsible for harry by blood.

2 years ago

Will the love interest be Hermione? or she'll just be a friend and you'll develop another female OC and make her the love interest. I prefer the second option just so you know author-san.

2 years ago

As powerful as a person can be, alone it is impossible to win, you need friends and allies like Padma Patil, so I expect more development of future TRUE friends and allies, as at first I really thought Terry Bota would be a friend, but he nothing more than two faces!!!