Webnovel Author: Dunge - Novel Collection



LV 3

Something something

2019-11-12 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Ascension Island

ป้าย 6

Moments 990


17 chapters in, I think I can put my initial impression of the web novel for anyone who read this. Firstly, Yroa, the MC, is highly borderline functional psychopath. He isn't really evil since all he does aligns with his self interest first and foremost, and he definitely isn't a goody two shoes because of it. And all of that is plastered on a playful and mischievous protagonist who knows that he is gorgeous and adorable. it's basically like watching a sassy cat that knows dàmn well of the repercussions for pushing the ceramic mug off the table but still do it anyway cause he is adorable while doing so. Aside from his shenanigans, he is quick witted and experimentative. So far, he hasn't made any out-of-character or dumb decisions. I also like it that one way of gaining the currency points is to be sadistic and intimidating, which supports his overall character. 5/5 As for the story development, I think it's taking it deliberately with itself. The Prologue and Chapter 2 serves as a firm foundation for the MC's background and personality. He isn't instantly becoming a Dungeon Core because of that, which can be too edging at the time. The action scene is epic and not just magic and swinging back and forth, there's event going on it's doesn't stale. Have I mentioned that every chapter is big too? But then lies my complains. In one of the chapter where Yroa wants to know about the power system from another character, it's told in a very detailed manner way. It's realistic on how it's being laid out and Yroa is smart enough to digest all of it. But I'm not, and probably some readers too. Easy fix to this as a reader is to skim and just reread when you feel like it. Tho I laid out a comment summarizing it on those chapters, in case you too experience the same. Secondly, while each chapter is very big, the publishing can be very inconsistent and slow. So there's that too. With all that said, I'll just put in the summarized pros and cons of the story here in case that it's getting convoluted. Pros: - Comprehensive writing - Mature, Ruthless, and Mischievous MC - MC - Trap - Smûh - Unique and Amazing, detailed worldbuilding - Epic over-the-top action scene - Foreshadowing, a lot of em - Thick chapters Cons: - Slow pace - Can be info-dumpy - Inconsistent chapter release - So good you're wanting more - Surprisingly, not as smûh-focused That is all for 17 chapters, will probably make another review if it reached 100 chapters.



"... Was it always this big?" Azel nervously said, completely breaking her dominant rhythm from going.

The Profane Dungeon Is A Trap!

The Profane Dungeon Is A Trap!

Fantasy · YokoyokoRPG



"You truly haven't shown any kind of resistance, Master." Azel smiled as she sighed and puffed, with their viscously brewed saliva pulled out once again. "Do you like it, Master? Of course you do! Your gnarly things down here have been screaming for release for a while~!"

The Profane Dungeon Is A Trap!

The Profane Dungeon Is A Trap!

Fantasy · YokoyokoRPG


A straight femboy is a rarity

He just doesn't like the thought of doing this kind of thing with a man, it's just his thing.

The Profane Dungeon Is A Trap!

The Profane Dungeon Is A Trap!

Fantasy · YokoyokoRPG



"You put a condition in the contract to not invade your dream, but you didn't say anything about putting a clause that prevents me from taking the same course of action physically." The smirk slowly transformed into a lustful grin. Her half-lidded gaze was fiercely stimulated too. "In the end, you're just a bratty Master who wants to be put in his place, aren't you?"

The Profane Dungeon Is A Trap!

The Profane Dungeon Is A Trap!

Fantasy · YokoyokoRPG


Why you always act like a housewife again?


"Be back before dinner, okay?" Yroa nonchalantly replied.

The Profane Dungeon Is A Trap!

The Profane Dungeon Is A Trap!

Fantasy · YokoyokoRPG



"I notice that there is something I need to take care of first," Zerath said. There were no changes in tone and emotion from his casual manner of speech, which didn't give much hints on what he was actually going to do. "I'll be back shortly."

The Profane Dungeon Is A Trap!

The Profane Dungeon Is A Trap!

Fantasy · YokoyokoRPG


... Who is the waifu again?

"Oh my, did I make you a little bit flustered now~?" Yroa fixed his hair. It was something that just happened a lot recently, since his hair got longer from the moment they first met. "Say, is there something in my face that makes you look that passionately?"

The Profane Dungeon Is A Trap!

The Profane Dungeon Is A Trap!

Fantasy · YokoyokoRPG


W rizz

"But it makes you a little less nervous now, right?"

The Profane Dungeon Is A Trap!

The Profane Dungeon Is A Trap!

Fantasy · YokoyokoRPG


Yroa is basically a massive source of Experience for Azel then, just like how she gave him EXPs all the time


Ascendant souls are sought after by many essence-consuming beings and Demons of Debauchery for their unparalleled potency and transformative properties. Extracting the Soul Essence of an Ascendant not only sustains the demonic souls but also enhances their own abilities and overall vitality to an extraordinary degree.

The Profane Dungeon Is A Trap!

The Profane Dungeon Is A Trap!

Fantasy · YokoyokoRPG




"Hmm." Zerath pondered, churning his head for thought as he pampered his palate with a second serving from the large table. "An interesting phenomenon." He then chugged another fresh drink from his large wooden mug before continuing speaking. "But are you sure that Miss Azel is formerly male and not a female-turned-male individual in the past?"

The Profane Dungeon Is A Trap!

The Profane Dungeon Is A Trap!

Fantasy · YokoyokoRPG


It would be a different genre otheriwise

"Zerath," the cloaked old man said. "If your common sense is worse than I assumed, Yroa, you can go to a place of high civilization and fare your skill for prestige and treasures." Using the crafted eating utensil available, he skillfully separates the wraith's shell from the meat. "You might also attain a title that makes you on par with Kings and Demon Lords alike."

The Profane Dungeon Is A Trap!

The Profane Dungeon Is A Trap!

Fantasy · YokoyokoRPG



'I want to ask whether this is poisoned or not, but I don't want to sound so doubtful and portray my Master as an untrustworthy person.' While conflicted, Azel unhesitantly chowed down the food. 'It is so good! But I also probably need to bear the nausea and stinging pain later, and I'm also still trying to suppress the poison from this morning!'

The Profane Dungeon Is A Trap!

The Profane Dungeon Is A Trap!

Fantasy · YokoyokoRPG


Shokugeki No Yroa


And it wasn't the same Drying Wraith that he took down before. No, Yroa basically came back and brought one of them while it's still squirming and energetic, quickly removing its vocal organ with bare hand before it could shriek, and then prepared it while it was still alive.

The Profane Dungeon Is A Trap!

The Profane Dungeon Is A Trap!

Fantasy · YokoyokoRPG


Can't wait to meet with another reincarnator

'For this person to detect a Drying Wraith while still being within the Physical Domain,' Zerath thought to himself. 'Did I stumble upon a prodigy? Or is he one of those blessed reincarnator that I so-heard about? No, he could be a part of a hidden noble lineage with his appearance and that Demon Devourer as a familiar.'

The Profane Dungeon Is A Trap!

The Profane Dungeon Is A Trap!

Fantasy · YokoyokoRPG




"H-how you guessed that I'm a man…?" Yroa uttered funnily, flustered that his prideful guise was unveiled so easily. 

The Profane Dungeon Is A Trap!

The Profane Dungeon Is A Trap!

Fantasy · YokoyokoRPG


does this means that not everyone possess the appraisal blessing?

'Peculiar, a person of the church with a demonic familiar,' Zerath thought, albeit not glancing any more curiosity as he slowly walked away, and probably expecting the other side to do the same. 

The Profane Dungeon Is A Trap!

The Profane Dungeon Is A Trap!

Fantasy · YokoyokoRPG
