Webnovel Author: athass_prkr - Fanfic Collection



male LV 4
2019-11-06 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global

ป้าย 7

Moments 219

Replied to Aryan_Mittal_3670


AN: So the tournament finally begins. I'm so excited about this arc. I have something special planned on that front. As usual, please let me know what you think or if you have any suggestions.

Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)

Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)

Book&Literature · athass_prkr

Replied to manas_adv1999

If you check the older chapters, Harry unlocked the cloak's true properties in his first year, making it a lot more powerful.

Harry even had to use his cloak to get to the Room of Requirements to train, multiple times. The Peverell invisibility cloak was the only thing he knew could easily trump whatever enchantment where on that eye of his.

Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)

Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)

Book&Literature · athass_prkr

Replied to BallTheTsar

He never did in this AU, and I don't think that it's explicitely said that he did in canon, only that he 'jumped' to the roof, which can be explained in a lot of different ways.

The beacon was taught to everyone at Hogwarts in their sixth year, to be exact, which taught students to hypnotize themselves to trigger the apparition beacon. It was quite ingenious, and Portkeys were the same, but with an international system instead of a local one, hence the restriction in spells. That did comfort Harry in a way that meant that making portals was actually possible and that they wouldn't be stopped by most wards.

Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)

Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)

Book&Literature · athass_prkr

Replied to DG_TheEmperor

Sorry, not really close...

Harry had woken up late once more, something that was becoming a trend in the last few weeks. He had been up all night in the Forbidden Section of the library, trying to find any magic that manipulated different dimensions, in a way that would help Harry actually defeat the madman hunting him down in a permanent manner. However, things weren't going well on that front. Sure, the Colt was a guarantee that things would go well on that front, but Harry didn't want to risk wasting a bullet on Sirius Black of all people, a normal wizard with above-average talent at best, who suffered an accident to turn him into the serial killer that he was now.

Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)

Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)

Book&Literature · athass_prkr

Replied to andy2157


"Don't tell me that the Butcher of Frankfurt is scared of a single wizard?" the potion master asked while sneering.

Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)

Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)

Book&Literature · athass_prkr

Replied to AnteChao

It is a very interesting comment. To answer your question, you have to remember that this is not cannon and so, I didn't really explain what being a maledictus means and that it might affect the mind as much as the body, like an unstable animagus transformation that doesn't take into account the mind or the difference in the brain's structure between the two forms. As far as she's concerned, Nagini was a snake in every way but staying near Voldemort made her cognizant enough to think like a human, which is why she was so attached to him.

Honestly, the mere existence of Parseltongue baffled Harry. It couldn't be a regular language. Snakes were good predators, who could hunt in packs with basic tactics to ambush large prey, but they definitely didn't have the intellect to follow precise orders like Voldemort's rumoured snake familiar, at least when it came to non-magical snakes. So, Harry was curious as to how it worked.

Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)

Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)

Book&Literature · athass_prkr

Replied to Dao_Master_Penguin

Look, I understand your frustrations and you're perfectly right to have them, but you have to understand the context of this story. I designed this story with the idea of what a real insert would do in their place. People, normal people, at least, aren't brave and the world isn't going to work in their favor immediatly. The main premise is to have an emotionally repressed man that has lived an empty life, learn to actually live in a world of magic. If anyone suddenly was reincarnated as Harry Potter, they would be terrified. They wouldn't go about to challenge the literal Archmage that's basically in charge of an entire political faction for no reason, and they certainly wouldn't rock the boat towards the man who could literally ruin their life since they're a ward of the ministry. And he wouldn't really try to do it with Skeeter or the ministry. The only way would be to go to his enemies, which are 'imperioused Death Eaters'. Anyone in this situation would keep their head down and enjoy their life. What I've been trying to make in this year was essencially the MC accepting that he was going to be involved and learn to stop cowering from Canon. That was the entire purpose, as well as an introduction to the larger world of magic. He's not supposed to demolish governments at 11 and surpass the literal most powerful wizard in the country at 12. That's not how it works. It has to be gradual, but he'll get there. I'm making this story as an exploration of the world of magic, which is far larger than magical Britain. Honestly, my decision to have Dumbledore do the thing with the points isn't by random. There's a Dumbledore POV coming up and it will explain a lot of things, and that's when things derail. Already, in the second year, Harry is acting very differently and that's really the point of the story, to have the character learn and grow. He will start ignoring Neville and the golden trio and the story will be more about him. You noticed how the BWL was a big part of the first year because Harry was technically thinking about Canon and how to preserve and stay away. The moment he decided to just ignore Canon and just live his life, his obscession with the golden trio, which he denies to himself exists, fades away, and he starts to live his life, and not through Canon. I don't know if people really got where I wanted to go, but you can't really start a story with a perfect character. It would just be bland, and that irritation people feel when he makes a wrong decision wouldn't really be there. Characters need to change for the better or for the worst, and they need to resemble actual people instead of some bland personality that just wins all the time and where everything goes his way. I hope this clarified my decisions a bit.
