"Here's your salary for this month. Total is S$2.300."
Urban · Leon69
Might be last chapter for a while.
TV · SnowofBlood
This is Dana White
And then, he died. At the age of fifty-nine, his already-compromised lungs collapsed, and he passed away a peaceful death. He'd spent his entire life dedicating his heart and soul to the one thing he loved, and died loving it, while still cursing the shackles that prevented him from truly embodying it.
Action · Lord_Streak
Alex coughed. 'Holy shit! She got nipple piercings. Oh, Rachel... That was just hot.'
TV · UnknownMaster
Max's brain short-circuited.
TV · UnknownMaster
A blush crept up her cheeks as an even bolder idea entered her mind. "After all, I wore that necklace before I gave it to him. Could it be that… he's secretly sniffing it because it carries my scent?"
Anime & Comics · Translator_God
Tom took the money and immediately counted it.
Casanova System
Urban · Leon69