Weslan99 - Profile



male LV 15

I'm a wannabe author that can't stop reading long enough to actually write.

2019-10-25 เข้าร่วมแล้ว United States

ป้าย 21

Moments 927




Because all of the important parts were covered with ice crystals. Her body had undergone a swift transformation. Her hair turned pale blue, not just the hair on her head but all the hair on her body.

Getting a Sugar Mommy in Cultivation World!!

Getting a Sugar Mommy in Cultivation World!!

Eastern · Odayaka




Noah also snapped out of his reverie as he looked at the maid's leaving figure with no particular emotions, however, there was a certain sense of fear and shock that was hidden in her eyes, something that only someone experienced would be able to notice.

Getting a Sugar Mommy in Cultivation World!!

Getting a Sugar Mommy in Cultivation World!!

Eastern · Odayaka


was he dueling Claudia or aqua? it kept switching between the two.

"Are you still thinking about what happened the other day? If that's the case then I'm sorry." He apologized with a sincere tone to his voice. "To be honest you were the one that attacked me first but I guess I overdid it, I hope you accept my apology."

Defective Mage: Bloodline Of An Ancient Race

Defective Mage: Bloodline Of An Ancient Race

Fantasy · Franklin_Nwakamma

Replied to Monarch_Lord

also, that is just holding the position, missions could be seperate.

According to the current salary standards in Lawlandia, a Major not only receives a monthly subsidy of 25 gold coins but also enjoys an annual reimbursement limit of 500 gold coins.

I, Supreme Support, Start with 2 God-Level Talents !

I, Supreme Support, Start with 2 God-Level Talents !

Fantasy · Sugar_Chestnuts

Replied to Truck_Kun_Sama

goes to show just how bad others are if he's considered 'decent'

Despite Henry's domineering demeanor, he seemed quite decent towards his teammates, not delaying things. 

I, Supreme Support, Start with 2 God-Level Talents !

I, Supreme Support, Start with 2 God-Level Talents !

Fantasy · Sugar_Chestnuts


is his name supposed to be John Cena?


One of Blanc's aides, John Ziin'ah spoke loudly and announced the start of the rewards ceremony. He then looked towards the soldiers and called the first name.

Remote Village to Strongest Nation

Remote Village to Strongest Nation

Fantasy · Meowder


Falcooooonnn Punch!


His facial features were somewhat average and he had an annoying arrogant look on his face which seemed to mysteriously attract people to punch him right in the nose.

Remote Village to Strongest Nation

Remote Village to Strongest Nation

Fantasy · Meowder


I've seen 'unkempt' used several times like this but that isn't the right word. unkempt means dirty, not maintained, scruffy, something along those lines. upkept is probably what you are trying to use but that isn't really a word. 'not maintained' is probably the best way of putting it.

During the changes to become a beast, the metal had degraded. Only if it was unkempt properly would it have been able to handle the years passing and the additions of ice elemental energies. Because this was not an ideal place for the dwarven war hammers to grow, they had remained weaker and weaker. They had only been able to defeat the dwarven skeletons because the skeletons were so weak. 

Spirit Taming

Spirit Taming

Fantasy · 1King_Rep1


Amazon training, huh?


Having the ability to block projectiles with the bracers or deflect light attacks would help them all. Having the added skill to do so wasn't everyone's strong suit but it was very good to have. It was almost as good as when Maria had shown off her fastest speed.

Spirit Taming

Spirit Taming

Fantasy · 1King_Rep1


star city lord, star cavity sounds horrible, rofl

"I have all of your battle assignments. You will be battling earlier in the morning because I have to prepare you for the arrival of the Star cavity Lord tonight." Alexander knew that the guards sent to escort the Star city lord had already met up with him. All that was left was for them to make it to the academy so that they could show it all off.

Spirit Taming

Spirit Taming

Fantasy · 1King_Rep1


an Amazon rewards card, I could use that!

The class was small being the elite class, but they still became filled with talking. This was considered the best experience and chance to get amazon rewards for any student. Just finishing in one of the top spots guaranteed some amazing resources to get one's beast to the top of their level.

Spirit Taming

Spirit Taming

Fantasy · 1King_Rep1


oops! she called him Clark instead if Phantom.

"Yes, every material that was auctioned, whether we purchase it or not, was recorded here for my notes. I may need them one day while breeding beasts. Clark is the one that gives added details. He has an impeccable memory for the things he has read. Maria is the fastest scribe that can label my sketches." Ella gave credit where credit was due. It also showed the fluidity of their business ventures.

Spirit Taming

Spirit Taming

Fantasy · 1King_Rep1


but he never thinks of offering a sincere apology or changing his ways. he's not so different from Garnet.

However, thinking about the battle between them yesterday, Seth internally frowned once more. He would have to try harder and find a way to ensure that Orion didn't inform the key figures about what had happened.

Village Head's Debauchery

Village Head's Debauchery

Fantasy · Royalpanda


poor Scotty! Fiona ran off!


The shattered landscape was scattered with the remnants of two-star Vylkr vines, and a behemoth three-star Vylkr vine was wreaking havoc in a specific area. This was highly unusual, as they typically mindlessly slithered towards the village. However, the fact that they had deviated from their usual path and considering the distance we had flown from the village left no doubt in my mind as to who was at the centre of this chaos. 'FIIOOONNAAA!!!' I shouted at the top of my lungs.

Village Head's Debauchery

Village Head's Debauchery

Fantasy · Royalpanda


I would have thought an axe would be best. depends on how big the vines are, I suppose, but ideally you'd want to get to the root of the plant and for that an axe would be better.

'At least they have enough sense not to prioritize looking cool over fighting for their lives,' Orion thought as he watched his companions pick their weapons. When it was his turn, he confidently walked forward and selected a sleek machete. With his gift, he knew he could deal devastating blows with ease. Therefore, the machete was the best choice for trimming down the Vylkr vines and other obstacles they might encounter.

Village Head's Debauchery

Village Head's Debauchery

Fantasy · Royalpanda

Replied to Sabaroth_zarkiel

he will murder them in the bedroom. different strokes and all that.

I'll never forget how I perished due of the Python bastard back in my former world, and I'll avenge myself by murdering at least one of every type of reptiles in this universe.

Saga of Atlantis

Saga of Atlantis

Fantasy · Noob6_writer9


it's funny how they spun the lie INTO the truth, but no one believes it, lol

The incident was soon brushed under the rug through the involvement of the government. The Hunter family was proclaimed to be extremely unlucky to have come under heaven's wrath. They were just in the wrong place at the wrong time and ended up destroying themselves.

Release That Succubus

Release That Succubus

Fantasy · different_minds
