I'd prefer this
Camie Solo Route (The current path)
Anime & Comics · WisteriaNovels
Anime & Comics · WisteriaNovels
Why does it seem like the guy fighting the MC has Togata Mirio's quirk? Also, their names seem to have changed from the previous chapter. Or were these people who were there to watch and were not part of the *big three*? 'Cause if so, that's a bit confusing and unclear.
*Sudden realization* Kakashi allowed his precious book so close to Naruto's *ss?😲😲😲
"Not my choice," Satoru said, shrugging. "I was sent here on orders. Seems our dear Fleet Admiral Sengoku holds a grudge against you. Something about... a Thousand Years of Death?"
Anime & Comics · ZetharQuinn
Last name? Where?
Anime & Comics · ZetharQuinn
The way you worded it made it seem like you wanted Aomine to allow Kuroko to call him by his first name, right? Sorry, but Daiki is his first name. So, in Japanese style, it would be Aomine [last name] Daiki [first name].
Aomine chimed in, "Daiki Aomine, but Aomine works just fine"
Anime & Comics · MeHudy
I think the skeptical reactions come from she saying Natasha saved her, when in this fanfic she and the others were saved by Wanda and Pietro.
Yelena stepped forward, her face softening. "I was where you were once. I was part of this prison. Natasha saved me, and now we're here to save all of you. Trust us."
Movies · StrikerAuthor
Not quite, somewhere halfway it changes to English, strangely.
Chapter 79: Lake Town Pt 4
Movies · Ax_nevermay_cry
I mean, Ego was no father to him. A father would have been there for him. So, Ego would be a sp*rm donor, no father.
The prophecy of the chosen one has been passed down through the Jedi order for a very long time. It states, 'A Chosen One shall come, born of no father, and through him will ultimate balance in the Force be restored.'
Movies · AlienWarlord
But this isn't too bad
Dynamic Duo Route (Camie + 1)
My Hero Academia: Izuku Reloaded
Anime & Comics · WisteriaNovels