Alex_Vizio - Profile


female LV 15


2019-09-04 เข้าร่วมแล้ว United States

ป้าย 14

Moments 138


How was he morally wrong

If Jack had been more discreet and refrained from flaunting his abilities in lucrative but morally dubious ways, the Eye might have extended an invitation long ago.

A Multiverse Cinematic Adventure

A Multiverse Cinematic Adventure

Movies · The_Book_Addict

Replied to Easycall

Replied to Hippo9999

Going to say the same

Shikamaru and the others said hello and left, not wanting to be a third wheel.

Konoha's Medical Ninja: One Punch to beat up Madara

Konoha's Medical Ninja: One Punch to beat up Madara

Anime & Comics · INeedRest


Guy for body

Even chakra amounts used the universal "Kakashi" unit of measurement. As everyone knew, the ninja world had two standard units - "Kakashi" for chakra, and "Asuma" for large sums of money. (E/N: Don't understand The Asuma one, if anyone does, please comment)

Konoha's Medical Ninja: One Punch to beat up Madara

Konoha's Medical Ninja: One Punch to beat up Madara

Anime & Comics · INeedRest


Hinata is the best girl

For Hinata, it would be misleading to say Colt had no impure thoughts about her.

Konoha's Medical Ninja: One Punch to beat up Madara

Konoha's Medical Ninja: One Punch to beat up Madara

Anime & Comics · INeedRest

Replied to GoldDragonMachina

Yup no mater what everyone wants him dead

"Hiruzen, you are old and feeble. Konoha's future can only be controlled by me!"

Konoha's Medical Ninja: One Punch to beat up Madara

Konoha's Medical Ninja: One Punch to beat up Madara

Anime & Comics · INeedRest


I’m of the opinion that he is just incompetent

As for the conspiracy theories about the Third circulated in his past life, he looked at them from a neutral perspective.

Konoha's Medical Ninja: One Punch to beat up Madara

Konoha's Medical Ninja: One Punch to beat up Madara

Anime & Comics · INeedRest

Replied to ChildOfSuccubus


With his eyes closed, savoring this wondrous sensation in his core, a mechanical voice unexpectedly sounded in Colt's ears...

Konoha's Medical Ninja: One Punch to beat up Madara

Konoha's Medical Ninja: One Punch to beat up Madara

Anime & Comics · INeedRest


This sounds like a reporter on tv

Today is April 4, 2015, a sunny Saturday in New York City. After enduring the chaos and devastation wrought by the Chitauri invasion, the city has undergone an impressive transformation. The post-war reconstruction has given New York a renewed vibrancy, and life in the bustling metropolis continues with a sense of resilience.

Marvel: Psychiatrist

Marvel: Psychiatrist

Anime & Comics · ANelite


Can’t you add them to the pack

'Hmm, good to know. Looks like I'll be getting another 3000 familiars, rising it to nearly 10k...decently sized, but not enough for some of these future worlds. That, and I doubt the system will let me abuse these familiars for other dungeons in the future' Talia thought with a hum, having decided to abuse the usage of her familiars while she can.

Unique Gamers Travels

Unique Gamers Travels

TV · ArtoriaPendragon_

Replied to TrueFamine


I smiled but remained silent, turning my gaze towards the other important figure in the room: Joanne Rowling, the mother of Harry Potter herself.

Dreams of Stardom (Hollywood SI)

Dreams of Stardom (Hollywood SI)

Movies · FableWeaver



The second those oh so familiar words left Talia's lips, the golden glow beamed off of her, from her arms, head, and even her legs. The golden glow of time energy beamed off of her into the sky, breaking the skyline above. The beams boomed out of her arms, obliterating every single Circle member in the surroundings. They couldn't even react as Talia directed her arms, killing almost all of them, insantly.

Unique Gamers Travels

Unique Gamers Travels

TV · ArtoriaPendragon_

Replied to TheWandaShip

Never heard that song before but it’s now one of my favorites

Landing his eyes on Crystal, Luke understood that the song had affected Crystal the most. In response to this, Luke simply spread his arms open, at which Crystal launched herself as she allowed her tears to leave a stain on Luke's clothing. Luke could only make soothing sounds and rubbed Crystal's back in an attempt to calm her emotions.

My diary system in Marvel

My diary system in Marvel

Anime & Comics · TheWandaShip


……. Really “not known for their reckless behavior” yeah right

However, the police had overlooked the less obvious entry point: the garage. It was a vulnerability they had assumed would never be exploited. The idea of someone crashing through the wall seemed far-fetched, and Toretto and his crew were not known for their reckless behavior.

A Multiverse Cinematic Adventure

A Multiverse Cinematic Adventure

Movies · The_Book_Addict


Zombie have eternal life, as in they don’t age

Well, zombies live for a long time too. Are humans too greedy, or are demons too cunning? Even Alexander himself was unclear now.

Demon King's Multiverse Adventures

Demon King's Multiverse Adventures

Movies · The_Book_Addict


As soon as sinbad saw him do this*

Orochimaru, looking at Sindbad, licked his lower lip with his long tongue, and as soon as he saw Sindbad do this, shivers ran down his spine and he took a step back.

Naruto: Sinbad's Shinobi Saga

Naruto: Sinbad's Shinobi Saga

Anime & Comics · Super_Mario_4066
