Maybe but not stronger than him
Totodile walked back with a dejected look and stood by Percys side. Then Percy walked back to Professor Oak who has already put away all the Pokémon that were cowering in corners. "A Totodile huh. Good choice Feraligatr is one of the strongest Royal Pokémon. At least in the top 5 of the strongest final evolutions. Alright let's show you what I'm giving you to start." He walked over to a table where a large backpack and a red phone sat. "Here is some supplies and a state of the art Pokédex. You can look into the bag when you get going.
Video Games · Generic_guy
World average or average from a country
Joanna was next to speak "So how old are you anyway, you look 14."
Fantasy · Lukas142
The arms and legs are outfitted with segmented, jointed armor that allows for fluid movement while maintaining protection. Each piece is contoured to fit Mewtwo's anatomy perfectly, emphasizing its sleek yet muscular frame. The tail was kept un-armored to keep the flexibility.
Anime & Comics · earth1
Didn’t catch a sharped but it’s pre evolution
From the tension on the rod, it wasn't any weaker than the Sharpedo he caught before.
Video Games · whitepotato
Are there two characters named tamaki because the other one has tamaki with vibration powers
Next came Tamaki, who, despite being gently pushed by Mirio, stood a little nervously. He held up his whiteboard, revealing his chosen name. "Suneater," he said softly.
Anime & Comics · earth1
Why describe the transformation every time he does it the exact same way
After a brief standoff, both fighters moved simultaneously, the clash of their abilities igniting the arena. Raiden transformed, his body shifting into his formidable form—a sleek, gray-furred figure with an otherworldly aura. His purplish tail swayed like a serpent in the air, and his horned head radiated a commanding presence. In an instant, he launched himself into the sky, propelled by a burst of psychic energy.
Anime & Comics · earth1
Weapon x mewtwo ?
"Today, after a month of practice, you're finally ready to design your hero suits," Snipe announced, his voice calm but firm. "Remember, a hero suit is your image—something people should immediately associate with you. But it's also a tool to help you. You need to design something that aligns with both of these objectives. It must be representative, but it can't hinder your ability to fight or rescue people. If it does, the suit becomes useless," he explained, emphasizing the last point.
Anime & Comics · earth1
Soul eater weapons basically
Ken Ishiyama, the pro hero Cementoss, added to the discussion. "Let's not overlook the Naoka brothers either. The three of them have similar Quirks—Hammer Arms, Knife Arms, and Lance Arms. Each can transform their arms into the tools their Quirk names suggest. Their approach was straightforward but effective. They worked well as a unit."
Anime & Comics · earth1
I just realised he’s meet and the villains name is literally red
Could he not be an aura guardian
Pokemon: A Gym Leader's Rise(SI)
Anime & Comics · MrMime24