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LV 14

WAFFLE Sect!!!

2019-08-04 เข้าร่วมแล้ว United States

ป้าย 87

Moments 1671


Makes sense. I’m not the biggest fan of higher being manipulation, but this is a fic with a system after all, so what else do you expect? It clears up Voldy’s insanely non-Voldemort behavior with him showing…*shudders* emotion! 😱 and desires beyond simply power. 🤷‍♂️ Thanks for the chap! 😊

"The drawback, as you were feeling earlier, was the corruption of your soul parts. Your different soul parts were slowly gaining their own self when you abruptly tried to merge them together, when you quenched their growth. In simple terms, your very soul turned cancerous. You would have surely died. But I saved you and made you stronger, far stronger than you would ever have become on your own. You are almost an equal to a minor god in terms of power right now. You should thank me. Do it now."

HP: The Magical Gamer

HP: The Magical Gamer

Book&Literature · Kitamari


Btw, my use of quotes when saying “God of Chaos” is because, unless you state that this guy’s real name is RYAN - I refuse to acknowledge him as the true God of Chaos! 😡 lol

The being smiled softly but his eyes remained cold and apathetic. "I am Chaos. The King of Gods. The Creator. The Destroyer. The Primordial who rules the multiverse. As you can see, I go by many names. But you may be familiar with my birth name. I am Harry Potter."

HP: The Magical Gamer

HP: The Magical Gamer

Book&Literature · Kitamari


😭😭😭 Why does this have to be actually happening? I want to go back to the last chapter when I was deluding myself into thinking this “relationship” was a manipulation to confine this female clone until Voldy can take over the superior body in a perfect resurrection! 😓 I’m still hoping, but doesn’t look like it. 😭 This is just…a complete 180 from any possible interpretation of Voldemort that I can imagine. I can barely picture it, even in a fan-fic. Maybe I’m weird, I’ve never had an issue with agreeing with a character’s interpretation like this before 😂 Voldemort’s entire vibe is so deeply ingrained in my mind as asexual & only caring about obtaining power, nothing else! For the actual character of Voldemort to actually have a personality beyond cold indifference & ruthless dispassion is a pretty alien idea in my head. Granted, I suppose it’s not like the logic doesn’t track or anything; Since he didn’t obtain ‘immortality’ through Horcruxes, that’s a logical explanation for his HP canon personality, whereas here it isn’t the same…but still, it feels weird in my head nonetheless 😆 Eh, I guess I just gotta get used to it & not write comment every other paragraph on my reactions 🤣

"Bah! I was an orphan too and see how far I have come. All you need to become strong and powerful is, no distractions and a singular urge to become the greatest. Although I don't think the Rat was successful in killing Lily Potter. I am sure he is dead already or else he would have reported back. I guess I underestimated the so-called Crimson Witch." He noted calmly. Only his grunt and his glassy eyes revealed the excitement running through him. 

HP: The Magical Gamer

HP: The Magical Gamer

Book&Literature · Kitamari


Charming? Gentle? 🤢🤮 I guess she’s technically Voldemort, so a narcissist would see “themselves” different, I suppose. 😂

Tom was gentle. He was charming. He was kind. He loved her. But sometimes he got very angry and his eyes turned red. Literally.

HP: The Magical Gamer

HP: The Magical Gamer

Book&Literature · Kitamari

Replied to FacelessEntity

Haha, glad someone recognized it. It’s kind of on the nose, right? 😂 Oh boy, I miss those fics. Good times. 🥹


"The Creator is known by many names. But his real title is, the God of Chaos. And when there is Chaos there must be Order. You will be the God of Order. Not soon. It will take a number of centuries for you to reach that level, but you are the desired candidate for that title. These two forces, Chaos and Order are the strongest domains of the entire multiverse. One Harry Potter already is Lord of Chaos while the other domain is still unoccupied. And since the Creator is biassed, he wants only Harry Potter to reach his level and no one else. You, boy, are in luck. I hope you won't squander the chance that my husband gave you."

HP: The Magical Gamer

HP: The Magical Gamer

Book&Literature · Kitamari


😂😂 Jk jk


"So, what am I going to be doing exactly?" He asked as he took a seat across from the older lady.

Twilight: Really! I Didn't Ask For This!

Twilight: Really! I Didn't Ask For This!

Movies · Flaming_Lines
