and to *with
Without wasting time, I headed to the kitchen. I just made myself Spaghetti and Hot Dogs.
Movies · Ryder_Blackthorne
has to be an uneven number
Increase to 5
Anime & Comics · AMV_Weakly
Ibara Shiozaki
Anime & Comics · AMV_Weakly
Himiko Toga (While she's still redeemable)
Anime & Comics · AMV_Weakly
okay, a template or knowledge/abilities of Jury rig and Greymatter from Ben 10 in Marvel as Tony Starks child.
yo what was it called before I already forgot
(AN: updated name for his quirk because you guys bullied me for my awful naming :< )
Anime & Comics · Sokk3
just keep on keeping on lovely translation
This concludes Part One - The Philosopher's Stone. For Orli, the first year was an adjustment phase where she had to face many unknowns and sort out her own thoughts. Starting from Part Two, there will be increasingly significant changes to the original plot as she intervenes in her own way to protect her friends. Regarding the romantic aspect, I can only say this is a slow-burn story - the protagonist grows from age 11, and the professor is not a pedophile. I hope readers will continue following the story.
Movies · YueQiu
* Natasha lagged behind
Behind him, Steve and Bucky had moved in relative sync. Even after all these years, they still had a strong fighting chemistry with each-other, and Wanda lagged behind them, pistol raised for any sudden movements.
Movies · StrikerAuthor
what is the name of that book
The uncanny resemblance between Lemu and the girl in that old picture gnawed at him. If the two were connected, Lemu might even be—however improbably—linked to Stark's own family.
Anime & Comics · Kazuma_trash
Pic 2
Speedy in Another Life: My Rebirth as Thea Queen
TV · Obsidian_Verse