Chris_James - Profile


LV 4
2019-05-18 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global

ป้าย 5

Moments 8


Great chapter. Harry's Immortal Realms really will make a large impact on the world. Is there a method of trading items or cash from the game in the real world. I could easily see a market developing in the real world with items having 'real world' cash value. Though I like the security feature that doesn't allow people to trade whole accounts/characters. One point I do wonder about is if you have thought about the repercussions of the language Harry developed for Immortal Realms. I could easily see it start to push out English as an international trade language given the way everyone in the game learns it. It wouldn't be surprising for various entertainment like songs, books, movies, and so forth to start being made in the language given the larger customer base that would know the tongue. It would also help at something like the UN since it is a neutral language with no national ties. Does it have a formal name or is just Common. Also only complaint, I would really like to see more of the girls both with Harry and their own adventures and slice of life stories. I find it hard to believe they are actually staying out of trouble all this time while Harry is busy. Not to mention with the time dilation from IR ( just realized that IRL could have a different meaning after Immortal Realms came out[img=recommend]) means that Harry and ladies can have plenty of dates and adventures on the side. More soon please.


Excellent chapter. I like how Felicia has started to build her own relationship with Norman and Harry. I do think Christmas would be an excellent time for MJ to visit for Harry. Maybe show some tension with MJ and Felicia. Oh nice job with the disabling cell phones during his outing. When thinking about it I could totally understand his hesitancy of exposing MJ to the media/social issues of her acting as mother to Harry. The calls of gold digger and worse would be horrible. Wonder if Gwen will be his date for the awards dinner/ceremony and how that will play in the media. So the attackers, I am thinking it will be Cross or maybe something set up by Stane to knock out the other major shareholder for Stark while he takes care of Tony himself. Glad Norman is letting Tony handle his own issues, let Ironman grow to be a hero. Especially since Norman has derailed Ironman 3 by taking out Killian early. For that matter he could take out Vanko easily at this point as well, though I doubt he will since it doesn't profit him any and letting it play out could set him up for a payday when Hammer crumbles. Can't wait to see who Norman recruits for his organization. Though if I may make the suggestion to not focus only on the trigger pullers. He will also need some dedicated techs and coordinators to manage the operations. I would love to suggest Skye/Daisy from Agents of Shield but can't remember how old she would be at this point in time (it would also continue his pattern of surrounding himself with beautiful and capable women). Also since mutants are in this world maybe Sage or Norman could always go cliche and have/help Forge build an AI, though given some of the things that happened with Forge's creations in comics I don't know if I would trust him with that task. More soon please.


Nice chapter. I like the slice of life interactions with the girls, though you could flesh a few details a bit more. Things such as what is MJ's major in school, acting, fashion, business? Also though hinted at we never confirm MJ's best friend/?roomate? who I think might be Gwen. Also surprised that with the family outing we haven't had a scandal yet with Norman 'dating' MJ in the press. Though it could just be they are more focused on more flamboyant personalities like Tony. Though eventually it might be interesting for Norman to take one of the girls to a social event like a movie premier or fashion/art show. If MJ is going into acting or fashion it could be very good for her career to attend such an event and make some contacts. I like the route you are going with power development, slow and steady wins the race not rushing to become a sorcerer and steal vibranium. I am a little surprised Osborn hasn't tried to look up the Parkers at all, afterall wasn't Peter's parent involved in SS research, maybe prevent their death. I do have to wonder if Osborn has planned to use Conner's formula on Bucky to heal his arm. For that matter depending on how well the formula performs on internal organ's maybe Stark would take a look at it to heal himself. Especially given the palladium poisoning at this point in time. Also hope to see some of the products Osborn entertainment comes out with regarding games that you hinted at. Wonder how an Ironman video game would do or maybe something featuring Captain America. More soon please.
