Hitler jokes aside, that’s actually terrifying
He was already imagining how powerful a gang led by the Irish but managed with German efficiency could become.
Anime & Comics · AHumanMadeMOFO
I did Notzi that coming
Chapter 46: The Jewish Gang
Anime & Comics · AHumanMadeMOFO
Is this not why you are here!?
Celebrities · David_Adetola
Confucius says “Karma is a bitch”
Chapter 8 : Stealing from the Mafia
Anime & Comics · AHumanMadeMOFO
This is actually very realistic. Given the lack of surveillance as long as he picked an abandoned lot and is dark out any witnesses who could claim to have seen this happen would be dismissed as drunk or unreliable
As for car theft, Josh had already thought of a solution: he would always park in deserted areas and then store the car directly in the system's warehouse. How could it be stolen then?
Anime & Comics · AHumanMadeMOFO
Public Enemies
The shop owner seemed a bit surprised that Josh was buying four rifles at once, but he didn't ask any questions. Having lived through the Great Depression, he had seen all kinds of things. Even John Dillinger had bought guns from him back in the day.
Anime & Comics · AHumanMadeMOFO
It’s the same 1940’s, he has cash and he’s white
In the end, Josh bought a secondhand Ford with a full tank of gas and in good condition for $200.
Anime & Comics · AHumanMadeMOFO
"Victory is won through battle—not through negotiations!"
Anime & Comics · Rashta
"Wood Style: Violent Tree Spear!"
Anime & Comics · Rashta
“Say hello to my little fr-“ critics “STOP! You can’t say that, it’s plagiarism” Scarface appearing behind him nodding his head at the carnage in approval “no, no. Let him cook. All a man’s got in this life are his words and his balls. But every man wants a heavy machine gun, he’s earned the right to say it”
Dix stepped out and onto the fold-out seat, revealing the heavy weapon beneath the tarp—a Colt M1919A4 heavy machine gun.
Dimensional Trader in Marvel
Anime & Comics · AHumanMadeMOFO