"Given that the test is on reading books this time round, Zhang shi... shouldn't cause any trouble, right?"
Eastern · Heng Sao Tian Ya
godslayer / kamigoroshi is made up of 3 word 神殺し
The newspaper headline, the three bold and enlarged words, took up the entire front page.
Anime & Comics · Gered_Chuw
Ma! Ma! Ma!
society or university? if society does the childhood friend work as a "hero"???
"Oh, the society had something come up, and the teacher called Lingling over at the last minute."
Urban · Soaring Wing
Gundam! Macross! Patlabor! Megazord! Aldnoah!!!!!!
- "Personnel Training: Feasibility of a Mechanized Military Academy"
Anime & Comics · CosmicKaminari
i think it's better to say "he will surpassed" instead of "he could surpassed" that will set him apart from common genius
Zephyr, meanwhile, felt his admiration for Aizen deepen. "This level of talent... He's no ordinary prodigy. If nurtured, he could surpass even the strongest of us."
Anime & Comics · ZetharQuinn
just pick one,master / lord / or -sama, dont go collecting title in single chapter
"Master Luffy?" Shirahoshi watched Luffy with uncertainty.
Anime & Comics · GregariousLion
"Horse-Horse Fruit, Model: Qiongqi!!"
Anime & Comics · 0StolenDream0
you have no qualification to feel worry
"Boss, are you sure Luffy will win? They are fighting admirals after all. I am worried about my kid." Yassop spoke.
Vice Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates
Anime & Comics · Evil_Paragon