
male LV 5

Someone unimportant who procrastinates too much by reading.

2019-04-18 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global
ป้าย 17

Moments 62
2 months ago

I’m sure Toki helped her add some more hours in there.

She rolled her eyes at the thought of the lazy artists: "Those parasites get whiny working two hundred hours a week. Isn't it their fault for taking so long to make something I could present to Damien?"

One Piece: Path to Power

One Piece: Path to Power

Anime & Comics · Paradox_

3 months ago

He was also just using Rocks as a shield and planning his eventual demise from the moment they met though, it’s not like Damien ever sincerely followed or respected him.

"She told me to live for her if I couldn't live for myself. Those words kept me going, even when it felt like the world had nothing left for me. But when I found out the truth—about Xebec—" His words faltered for a moment, his jaw tightening. "I thought I'd failed her. I thought every step I took as a pirate dishonoured her memory. That I'd been nothing but a pawn in his game."

One Piece: Path to Power

One Piece: Path to Power

Anime & Comics · Paradox_

4 months ago

She likely has the high score at least.

"Ma-Ma-Mam-Ma! My cute babies are back!" The world's best mother danced alongside her relieved children, humming a tune.

One Piece: Path to Power

One Piece: Path to Power

Anime & Comics · Paradox_

4 months ago
Replied to Anitimesc

Deaths caused by the Rocks Pirates alone surely outnumber the lives directly ruined by the celestial dragons many times over, with many more pirates committing atrocities all over the world. Many of the more destructive things done by the marines like buster calls also only happen as a result of conflicts and rebellion against their rule. If there was truly no one defying the world government at all, the world could be considered a safer place overall. A dismal, dystopian place, sure, but such places are usually safe for the masses who know their place and don’t try to rise up or question their masters.

He grabbed his forehead, sighing through the gaps of his fingers. "But no one gives a damn about the innocent people, their lives." His eyes sharpened, and his words grew resolute: "Which is all the more reason for me to take you down, Rocks! With your death comes peace!"

One Piece: Path to Power

One Piece: Path to Power

Anime & Comics · Paradox_

6 months ago

Wait… why is that music playing? It hasn’t been 22 minutes yet!

6 months ago

I really would have expected Cassie’s power and its interaction with the sibyl to be reversed. I feel like her seeing multiple possible futures at all times that could be easily changed would make sense. Inversely, encountering someone capable of manipulating probability, she would find herself comparatively blinded as all of those potential futures collapse into a single inevitable one most beneficial for her foe. Of course, she would see that future and have time to react, but it just feels wierd that the future she sees is less certain when someone is literally controlling it.

6 months ago

I wonder how rigid his forced servitude is, and this is a good example of some wierd ways it can accidentally affect him. I imagine it mostly operates on Sunny’s own perception and this won’t cause any major issues, but let’s say for example that Sunny was trying to decide between options A and B in some scenario, and he wants to do both to some degree. If Neph told him to pick option A ‘if he wants’ would he truly be able to choose as he wishes, or would he be forced to pick option A at her command, because he does truly want to, ignoring his opinions on the other option?

"Come… uh, if you want."

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree

6 months ago
Replied to That1OtakuDude

For woman’s clothing? Usable pockets might actually be the most incredible part.

"For your suit, it synchronizes with your quirk, allowing it to become invisible whenever you do. It also provides enhanced durability, flexibility, and temperature regulation. Plus, the little bags on the thighs are for carrying any small tools or gadgets you might need." 

I Am Ironman (MHA)

I Am Ironman (MHA)

Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3

6 months ago

Maybe I didn’t notice some subtle clues or something, but what did either of them actually try to do to change the fate Cassie saw? Sunny just freaked out in his mind and lamented internally whenever he noticed the pieces falling into place, and Cassie just ominously frowned at a couple key moments. In both cases though, they just ignored it and went on with their business, not even saying a word, as if they already knew it was pointless to try anything. Maybe it was pointless, and that’s fine, but with how much these two have insisted they tried everything to change fate and failed, I don’t recall either of them actually trying at all. The only moment I remember is Sunny refusing to be healed by Neph that one time, but that was the barest minimum effort that was obviously not going to accomplish anything, and Sunny knew that.

He had been deceived by the knowledge of the future once, and all his desperate attempts to avoid it had only helped the vision happen. This time, he was not going to allow himself to be a pawn of fate. He was going to do what needed to be done, in a way he wanted to do it, and face the consequences without regret.

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree

6 months ago

Amusingly, there is one ‘simple’ way to free himself forever without Neph needing to die, and it’s exactly what she wants anyways. They just have to destroy the spell that’s forcing him to be her slave. Of course, he has every right to be infuriated for being forced onto this path as much as any other, but as is the case with so much in this story, it is his inescapable fate.

Firstly, he was now at the mercy of another person. Despite the fact that his master was lost in another world with very low chances of ever making it back, Sunny felt that they were fated to meet again.

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree

