ta indo muito bem continue assim .............................................................................................................................
Speaking of the hall, during his mother's and Parnakka's interaction, Artaxerxes had been getting a better look at his surrounding now that he was out of his crib. And to say the least, he was very impressed. What he saw must have been a gargantuan effort of human craftsmanship, Where my crib lay, oddly out of place, was an immense square hall with 36 columns supporting an enormous roof of cedar wood. Just above him, the intricately carved pillars seemed to stretch outward into an abyss, reaching staggering 20 meters in height. There were three porticoes each with twelve columns on the north, west, and east side. Four four-story corner towers, and a series of storage and guardrooms to the south. To the north and east beyond the rows of columns was an open courtyard teeming with fauna and wildlife. There seemed to be enough room to hold 10,000 people.
History · Blitzo
muito boa mano não tem muito historias no nosso pais foda para caralho vou te apoia tenta postar todo dia mano bao sorte a e vé se não abandona o historia
I've been waiting for the update a lot, see if I could post several chapters faster at once. thank you more for posting this novel here ...
(translated chinese novel)
coming back now and yes i will continue
coming back now and yes i will continue
I'm just the translator, the novel and Chinese are at Synopsis
I thought it was bad that he went through all that and didn't succeed
MHA: Jigsaw Reborn
Anime & Comics · Delusion10