Hi. I read this work years ago in the original language and was surprised to see it translated here. I didn't see a link to the original though. In fact, I didn't see any mention that it wasn't the original work. Why?
Thanks for the chapter.
Thanks for the chapter.
Thanks fot the chapter.
Thanks for the chapter.
Thanks for the chapter.
Thanks for the chapter.
Thanks dor the chapter.
Thanks for the chapter.
Initially there were two comments, and the first was: "First they conduct Narutotherapy on you and infect you with his ideas. And when Narutotherapy doesn't help..." Well, you get the idea. But that comment was then deleted.
Horizon pauses, then slowly turns his head toward Yagi. "Oh...that explains a lot. Deku learned that shit from you, then he taught it to Todoroki...then I kicked in Todoroki's teeth because of it, good job, All Might."
MHA: Horizon (Ope-Ope No Mi)
Anime & Comics · keanu_eugene