I am very impatiently waiting for the next chapters. When are they going to be released? This is one of my favorite novels
I wish the chapter releases was more frequent
Same here
You can have it where Naruto will sense the spacetime ripple of when they appear. Right when everyone is prepared to leave for the hidden sand village. Naruto could teleport Right behind them without them noticing. He could over hear there conversations and then but in and informing them about his situation and the difference in the current timeline
when will there be any new chapters being added. Will Sasuka and Burato appear to my knowledge there was that point when they traveled back in time to protect naruto. you could have it that they traveled from another timeliness and Baruto could meet the fourth his Grandfather
can't wait for the next chapters to come out next
True I as well have read a great number of fanfic to the naruto franchise and a lot of them aren't that great. This one is one of my favorites 😍
An interesting idea for Dora's situation is if she finds out everyshe has seen and heard is the complete story there could be many factions some in the shadows and the lady that of this noble house could be one of them. the so called slaves that lost their sense of self could be acting
scratch this it has been like 5 months since I have read this book so I went back and reread
when is Harry going to openly talk about his Witcher identity with his family and friends. Also will anyone from the Witcher World ever going to appear in front of Harry and everyone
Hogwarts: Harry Potter’s Return from the Witcher World
Book&Literature · michaeI